Reference no: EM132590662
The organization that I am going to discuss about in this week's discussion is Delta Blues Fish House. The Delta Blues Fish House is an established business that was is located in Malden Missouri. They are only open Friday and Saturday evening from 4 PM to 9 PM. In the Malden area which is about 30 minutes from where I live, there is no direct competition and the only place to eat nearby is McDonalds and a few gas stations or convenient stores that sells other types food which may include fish on certain days. Delta Fish House has a competitive advantage in the Malden area because they are the only one that has a specialty fish house and people rave about it and patronize the business frequently. The strategy that they are using in Malden Missouri is the broad differentiation strategy. They have a specialty, Farm Raised Catfish, this item is different from the competitors items they are offering and it bring people together from near and far for dinner and they also offers carry out at the drive thru window.
Delta Fish House was recently leased a restaurant inside the Century Casino in Caruthersville Missouri. They intend to keep the same hours of operation that they have in Malden. They have a bigger customer base which would be the people that come to the casino to gamble, the workers who work at the casino, and the people in the community that are looking to go out and eat lunch or dinner during the week. They have a much bigger facility with a buffet and a bigger dining room and banquet room, a lounge/bar and a private VIP room. Delta Blues should incorporate the Blue Ocean Strategy and utilize the dining room to open 5-7 days a week and create lunch buffets specials for the patrons and community to come out and eat. There are several places in town that sell fish and Delta fish House is the highest of all of them. I recommend Delta Fish House to use the Best Cost Provider Strategy because if they had a plan that could create revenue through the casino employees, the patrons that gamble at the casino, community members and leaders, and offer good, friendly service, then it should not matter if their prices are the highest With the best cost provider strategy Delta is able to give the customers more for their money with the salad bar and buffet for lunch and dinner daily. This will bring in the customers as well because nothing like this will be offered in town. They will also increase their profit because they are open more than just 2 days a week and they are reaching a lot more people (Thompson 2018-2019).
Thompson, A. A. (2018-2019). Strategy: Core concepts and analytical approaches (3rd ed.) [BSG electronic edition]. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Education
Propose an additional strategy your colleague's selected organization might use to create and sustain competitive advantage, and include a rationale for your suggestion.