Reference no: EM131191865
Assignment: Cultural Activity Report
As a way of experiencing the Humanities beyond your classroom, computer, and textbook, you are asked to do a certain type of "cultural activity" that fits well with our course and then report on your experience.
Your instructor will require you to propose an activity and get instructor approval before you do it and report on it (students should look for any instructions in that respect).
Every effort should be made to ensure that this is a hands-on experience (not a virtual one), that this activity fits the HUM 111 class well, and that the activity is of sufficient quality for this university course.
The two (2) key types of activities are a museum visit or a performance. Note: This must not be a report on the same activity (and certainly not the same report) as done for another class, like HUM 112.
For instance, one might go to the same museum as done for HUM 112, but this HUM 111 report will focus on entirely different works and displays.
1. Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater or musical performance before the end of Week 10.
The activity (museum or performance) should have content that fits our course well. Have fun doing this.
2. Write a two to three (2-3) page report (500-750 words) that describes your experience.
- Clearly identify the event location, date attended, the attendees, and your initial reaction upon arriving at the event.
- Provide specific information and a description of at least two (2) pieces (e.g., art, exhibits, music, etc.).
- Provide a summary of the event and describe your overall reaction after attending the event.
- Use at least the class text as a reference (additional sources are fine, not necessary unless required by your content). Your report should include connections you make between things observed in your activity and things learned in the course and text.
Note: Submit your cultural activity choice to the instructor for approval before the end of Week 5 (earlier is even better). Look for guidance from the instructor for how or where to make your proposal. You may also seek advice from your instructor (provide your town/state or zip code) for a good activity in your general area.
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: Visit a museum or gallery exhibition or attend a theater or musical performance before the end of Week 10. The activity (museum or performance) should have content that fits our course well.
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