Propose a new product for the new company division

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131763975 , Length: word count : 1400

Purpose of Assignment Students will have the opportunity to research a company and industry to conceptualize forming a new division of an existing company based on a new product or service.

The assigned text and Strategic Planning Outline serve as a guide to complete sections of the capstone project each week.

This will allow the student to lay the basic foundation for an effective strategic plan. A final plan will be presented in Week 5.

Assignment Steps Resources:

Strategic Planning Outline and Week 2 textbook readings Use the Strategic Planning Outline as a guide to complete sections of your capstone project each week.

A final strategic plan is due in Week 5.

Cite your resources. Develop a minimum 1,400-word proposal in which you explain the importance of innovation in your selected division's vision, mission, and values, and determine your business model for this new division.

Include the following:

• Propose a new product or service for the new company division. The division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement. Ensure you are differentiating your product or service.

• Describe how the division addresses customer needs and achieves competitive advantage.

• Create a vision and a business model for this new division that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

• Explain how the vision, mission, and value of the new division align with the company's mission and vision.

• Summarize how the vision, mission, and values guide the division's strategic direction.

• Define your guiding principles and values for your division in the context of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed references. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131763975

Questions Cloud

Allocate FOH as function of Direct Material or Direct Labor : If you were the manager of the entire business and were compensated as a function net income, you would prefer to allocate FOH as a function of Direct Material
Provide statistical and qualitative information of product : Provide statistical and qualitative information of each of the following factors: Gross domestic product, inflation, political risks, economic risks.
Discuss an audience of potential investors : Imagine that you are presenting this information to an audience of potential investors. How would they react to each slide
Identify the range of values : Use the giv statistic and margin of error to identify the range of values? (confidence interval) likely to contain the true value of the population parameter.
Propose a new product for the new company division : Propose a new product or service for the new company division. The division should be customer-focused with an innovative mission statement.
Number of errors made by a randomly selected student : Find the mean and standard deviation of the difference Y - X in the number of errors made by a randomly selected student. Interpret each value in context.
Confidence interval for the true population proportion : Find the 95% confidence interval for the true population proportion.
Binomial with acorrection for continuity : Use the normal approximation to the binomial with acorrection for continuity.Round your answer to at least three decimal places.
Find the mean and standard deviation of the total score : Assume that X and Y are independent. An English professor deducts 3 points from a student's essay score for each nonword error and 2 points for each word error.


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