Proposal''s content-organization-style and design

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM13135344

It is important that you follow a reliable writing process that will help you develop your proposal's content, organization, style, and design. An important first step is to start with planning and research. This will help you start collecting the content. Determine how it will be used by answering the Five-W and How questions:

Who will be able to say "yes" to my ideas?

Why is this proposal being written?

What information do the readers need to make a decision?

Where will the proposal be used?

When will the proposal be used?

How will the proposal be used?

Because proposals can seem overwhelming, I recommend you stick to a simple outline:

Introduction (briefly explain the purpose of your document without providing too much detail)

Problem (What are you trying to implement and/or improve and why? For whom is it a problem?) Provide background if necessary.

Solution (What is your plan of action to remedy the problem? Be sure it is realistic.)

Cost (How much does your solution cost? Have you considered all costs associated with your plan, including any maintenance?) A table would be best here.

Solution (Discuss how the solution benefits the company and those within or outside of the organization). The solution should involve others in addition to yourself. This should not be a proposal that benefits only you.

Reference no: EM13135344

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