Proposal for the major project assignment

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132109963

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a well-researched project planning document based on the overall parameters of a networking related project, establish an appropriate project management plan, and quality environment required to complete the chosen project. Furthermore, analyse project issues, conduct post-project review (i.e., lessons learned) and make recommendations for improvements for future projects. It addresses the following learning outcomes:

- understand project management as a strategic tool, framework, or methodology for business development;
- analyse and apply a range of technologies and techniques that are appropriate to the needs and requirements of the project - particularly in the areas of scope and planning projects;
- demonstrate project leadership skills; identify and assess risk in designing, executing a major project;
- critically reflect on current project management ethics, research, theory and practice;
- identify, analyse, compare, interpret and present the use of a project management tool (e.g., MS Project);
- manage projects effectively through planning, leadership, monitoring and control;
- analyse various ICT services management systems.

Purpose of the Assessment:

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a well-researched project planning document based on the overall parameters of a networking related project, establish an appropriate project management plan, and quality environment required to complete the chosen project. Furthermore, analyse project issues, conduct post-project review (i.e., lessons learned) and make recommendations for improvements for future projects.

Assignment Description

In this assessment task, you will present a proposal for the major project assignment as a team of 5members. Proposal template is available on Moodle. The projectmust be selected from the networking or the telecommunication area.

The project duration should not be less than 12 Months.Before starting, seek approval for the proposed project from your laboratory tutor.Address all stages of Project Management as outlined in the unit. A suitable project management software (e.g. MS Project 2010) must be used.

The project report should include all phases of a project life cycle,i.e. Initiating, Planning, Executing and Closing. Project Management Plan helps the management team to maintain a constant focus towards delivering the project in accordance with the customer needs and expectations.

The development of such a plan begins with the business case (refined from the Project Charter), project objectives and goals, success criteria, scope, high-level schedule, stakeholder expectations, communication plan, benefits and costs, governance and resourcing, management approach, risk management plan, and potential ethical issues.

The project documents ensure a consistent understanding of the project, help to set expectations, and identify resources necessary to move the project to the next level of detailed planning.Every project must be delivered in a manner that captures the user's trust and confidence in the chosen projects ability to effectively and efficiently deliver quality services/products. In order to ensure project success, it is imperative that good project management principles are used early in the planning stages. As the project becomes more defined, the Project Management Plan becomes the tool by which the project is managedeffectively.

Students should include all aspects of the project as if they were the Project Manager and it is a requirement of the subject that they include the use of software (e.g. Microsoft Project). Students are expected to show evidence of self-directed reading and research using credible resources including, but not limited to their prescribed text. The assignment will be marked on the basis of depth of analysis, research, references and integration of all aspects of project management.

Assessment will be on the basis of the realistic nature of the project and how well it is presented. You should present the final document in a form that would be consistent with the details of your chosen project, and written in Business English in a report format. Make sure that the timeline, the budget and the quality of the work is realistic, justifiable and sufficiently attractive to win a tender for a real project.


Form a team of 3-5 members and work co-operatively to complete the chosen project. The project report must coverat least the following aspects:
- A clear outline of the project including title, start and end date, goals and objectives, etc.
- Project requirements (both functional and non-functional)
- Project team members (title, skills/expertise, not names!)
- Project plan, including:
o Project scope
o Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
o Estimated time-line
o Resource needs
o Gantt Chart and Network Diagram
o Estimated cost
o Quality plan
o Stakeholder analysis
o Communications plan
o Risks managementplan
o Ethical issues analysis
o Project deploymentplan
- Crash the total project durationby 2 weeks.
- Use software (e.g. Microsoft Project) to complete WBS, allocate time and resources, apply cost, and prepare Gantt chart and Network Diagram.
- Project Signoff (on a separate page)
- Post project review and recommendations

Submission guidelines:
The report should have a consistent, professional, and well-organized appearance. Create the report (Minimum 1800 Words)showing extensive use of MS Project.

1. The report should include the following:
- Acover page listing students name and ID,tutor name, and Assignment-2 as title.
- The report must include all sections listed in the Marking Criteria, with appropriate heading and sub-headings to create a well-presented and readable repot.
- Reference sources, cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list.
- The assignment must use 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font with appropriate section headings, and table of contents (made automatically in MS Word).Page number must appear on each page.

2. Submit the report as a soft (electronic) copy under Moodle, along with the Project Management software (e.g. MS Project)file.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Verified Expert

The scope of the project is described. The requirements are analyzed based on the network design. Here the network design is made by using the Visio software. The detailed explanation is provided for the network design. The IP address table is provided. And the network topology diagram is developed by using the Netsim software. The switch configuration, router configuration, DHCP server configuration, and the security configuration are done. The configuration results are added.

Reference no: EM132109963

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10/31/2018 4:54:58 AM

magesof WBS and network diagram a file of WBS project attachment 30126113_1B2E9E 9D1-25CC-4AD5- 9F62-3F0EB03CC449. jpeg attachment. 30126197_130126156 2EM32MAN919CN 1 Project today 30126115_ 14701F217-FD03-47 4B-BAC6-7A4D892F1 A61.jpeg cvmake the payment now make sure my assignment make good the assignment requirements at first place, therefore, it’s your responsibility to Email me the assignment on time attachment 30126179_1 B2F45D06-56E8- 4A14-B5F5-4827 E51201F6 .png 30126147_233 C014BD-90AA-4E 25-A9EF-B6 F0DFD2BC69.png Thanks for providing me the solution on time and I really appreciate teh work done by you guys..


9/11/2018 2:26:50 AM

Grade Marks Quality Grade Marks Quality Grade Marks Quality Grade Marks Quality Grade Marks Quality HD 80-100% D 70-79% CR 60-69% P 50-59% Fail <50% Quality: Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory All topics are pertinent and covered in depth. Ability to think critically and source material is demonstrated Topics are relevant and soundly analysed. Generally relevant and analysed. Some relevance and briefly presented. This is not relevant to the assignment topic.


9/11/2018 2:26:42 AM

Section-3: Project stakeholders, communications, risk management plan, and ethical issues. Stakeholder analysis, communication matrix, risk matrix, and ethical issues. 10 Section-4: Project Management software outputs The demonstration of scheduling, resourcing, and costing of different activities and tasks using a Project Management software. Required charts/graphs (Gantt chart, Network diagram, etc.) as extracted from the software. 10 Section-5: Project Deployment plan Description of project deployment plan 4 Section-6: Project signoff, project review and recommendations Project signoff letter, post-project review and recommendations 3 Section-7: Reference and appendices APA or IEEE 3 Total 50


9/11/2018 2:26:36 AM

Marking criteria: Sections to be included in the report Contents of the section Marks Section-1: Executive summary, introduction, logical structure and conclusion Executive summary, table of contents, introduction, logical flow of information and conclusion for the major project. The project should use a meaningful project title and a reasonable time period of 12 months or more. 5 Section-2: Project scope and project requirements. Project crashing. Well focused project Scope, WBS, estimation of Time, Cost, Quality key stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities including project team. List of functional and non-functional requirements. Method for crashing the project timeby 2 weeks. 15


9/11/2018 2:26:25 AM

Hi mate, pls make sure you guys read the whole pdf of this assignment and also follow all the instructions or format should be correct. Moreover, pls check the plagiarism and it should be plagiarism free. THANK YOU Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using APAor IEEE referencing style.

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