Proposal for dissertation in supply chain management

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13859778


I have to submit the university 2 proposal for my dissertation in MSc Supply Chain Management and they request me to fill the 2 parts in the attached sheet.

I prefer to have the 4 proposal in form of Part A table and before you complete part B and I will confirm you with 2 topics only to proceed with part B with same structure mentioned.

I can pay the cost for part A initially and after choosing 2 topics out of 4, I can pay for part B (1,500 world count per each research topic).

A- You first fill a brief form outlining your topic:


Provisional title of your dissertation and central research question(s)

The topic(s) or issue(s) you wish to investigate

What facts or information will you need to gather? How will you go about doing this?

To which subject area(s) is this proposal in your view most strongly related?

e.g. Strategy, Organizations, Marketing, supply chain, logistics, procurement

B- The second submission is a formal proposal of about 1,500 words, detailing the work to be done

During your research methods module you will have already prepared a proposal for a dissertation. You will usually further develop this proposal in terms of final dissertation.

You will therefore find it useful to discuss your proposal with your supervisor before you start on the dissertation proper. In order to assist you in this discussion you may find the following structure useful:
- Proposed title
- Central research question(s)
- Rationale for the study
- Context of the study
- Aim
- Objectives
- Proposed methodology
- Limitations of the study
- Delimitations of the study
- Proposed structure of the study
- References

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Reference no: EM13859778

Questions Cloud

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Question regardinng the present value of investment : a) How much would be the present value of this investment? b) How much would be the future value of this investment at the end of 11th year?
Proposal for dissertation in supply chain management : Submit the proposal for dissertation in MSc - Supply Chain Management and You will usually further develop this proposal in terms of final dissertation.
Write an essay of summarising your personal reflections : Write an essay of up to 1800 words summarising your personal reflections and giving examples of your learning in relation to your SWOT and your PDP using supporting audit material used in class
Determine the values of the equalized output pulses : The result of transmitting a single pulse through a channel is a received sequence of pulses at the sampling instants given by {0.1, 0.3, -0.2, 0.96, 0.4, -0.1, 0.1} where the leftmost sample is the earliest. The value 0.96 corresponds to the main..
What is the nal of leasing : a. What is the NAL of leasing? b. How much debt is displaced by this lease?
Identify threats or vulnerabilities presented in the video : Introduce the term cybercrime and why IT professionals should be concerned about it. Identify the threats/vulnerabilities presented in the video. Discuss if the threats controllable


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