Proportion electing to have a caesarean delivery

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13823607

Hospitals records at one private hospital and one public hospital and one public hospital are examined and it is found that over the same period of time, of the 322 women giving birth in the private hospital, 102 elected to have a caesarean delivery while of the 897 women giving birth at the public hospital, 172 elected to have a caesarean delivery.

a. Test if there a difference between the proportion electing to have a caesarean delivery in the public hospital and the proportion electing to have a caesarean delivery in the private hospital.

d. Find the odds ratio for a caesarean delivery in a private hospital compared with a public hospital.

c. Find a 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio and explain how the confidence interval confirms the conclusion reached in part (a) above.

Reference no: EM13823607

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