Proponents of the monetarist approach

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1373257

Question1. Determine which of the following theories of expectations holds that individuals usa all information available in forming expectations?

  1. Rational expectations theory
  2. Certainty equivalent theory
  3. Expected value analysis
  4. Adaptive expectations theory

Question2. The only school of economics that could be construed as advocating big government are the :

  1. classicals
  2. keynesians
  3. montearists
  4. supply-sider

Question3. Proponents of the monetarist approach to economic stabilzation think that the growth of the money supply should be equal to the:

  1. prime rate
  2. long-term average growth of real output
  3. real interest rate
  4. growth of federal expenditures

4. A conclusion of the theory of rational expectations is that the impact of discretionary fiscal polices designed to shift the aggregate demand curve will:

  1. result in no net change in aggregate demand
  2. be anticipated and compensated for, causing no significant in real GDP or employment levels
  3. be completely opposite of the intended result
  4. be incorrectly evaluated by most economist

Reference no: EM1373257

Questions Cloud

Discussion on growth theory : Although economists speak as if economic growth is necessarily a good thing, many question the sustainability and even morality of ever raising  economic growth.
Determine present state of the economy : Determine the present state of the economy  and trade relationship between your country and the US?
Final goods and services used in calculation of gdp : Explain why do economists include only final goods in measuring GDP for a particular year and why dont they include the value of stocks and bonds sold?
Angle modulation and detection : State Carson's rule for bandwidth estimation. What does it reduce to for NBFM and WBFM and d erive an time domain expressionfor the output xd(t) of the system
Proponents of the monetarist approach : Determine which of the following theories of expectations holds that individuals usa all information available in forming expectations?
Operational definitions : Identify the operational definitions in the following statements and discuss what, if anything, may be wrong with them: (1) smoking is bad for people's health
Discuss the current level of the federal debt : Macro economic choices, particularly in the areas of fiscal policy, are not just about economics but about deeply social targets and prices as well. This Case asks you to think about some of these dimensions.
Limiting reimbursements to providers : A method commonly used through both governments and private health insurers to control the growth in private health insurers to control the growth in health care expanding are limits to reimbursement to providers.
In working environment : In working environment, when an employee is in the mid of making decision based on Business Ethics dilemma of accept or not for a problem faced. He has to make a decision on doing ethical or doing what previous employee done.


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