Proper coding conventions required the first letter of class

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13896121

The files must be called <> (driver)

<> (handles house variables and methods) 

Proper coding conventions required the first letter of the class start with a capital letter and the first letter of each additional word start with a capital letter.Only submit the .java files needed to make the program run. Do not submit the .class file or any other file.

Basic Requirements Write a driver and house class that gets input and using method call chaining creates 2 houses and outputs the results

Provide a driver class that demonstrates this house class. You are to use the main method provided below exactly with the exception of the class name for house, follow the naming convention outlined above.

public static void main(String [] args)


Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(; LiFiHouse house1, house2; //New horses 

//Create house 1 using default constructor house1 = new LiFiHouse();

house1.print(); //print house 1 with default values

String street, city, state, zipCode; int number;

System.out.println("House 1 Information"); System.out.print("Please enter house number: "); number = stdIn.nextInt();

stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.print("Please enter Street: "); street = stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.print("Please enter City: "); city = stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.print("Please enter State: "); state = stdIn.nextLine();

System.out.print("Please enter ZipCode: "); zipCode = stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.println();


//use method call chaining to set values

//and print results for house 1 house1.setNumber(number).setStreet(street)


System.out.println("House 2 Information"); System.out.print("Please enter house number: "); number = stdIn.nextInt();

stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.print("Please enter Street: "); street = stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.print("Please enter City: "); city = stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.print("Please enter State: "); state = stdIn.nextLine();

System.out.print("Please enter ZipCode: "); zipCode = stdIn.nextLine(); System.out.println();

//create house 2 using 5 parameter constructor

house2 = new LiFiHouse(number, street, city, state, zipCode);

//print house 2 house2.print();


This demonstration driver does not call all accessor and mutator methods but it is normal to create them regardless of an immediate use. They may be needed in the future.


Sample output is provided below. Be sure to mimic it exactly except for values entered. 

Write a House class called that implements the following methods

·         setNumber – receives the house number

·         setStreet – receives the street name

·         setCity – receives the city name

·         setState – receives the state name


·         setZipCode – receives the zip code

Separate accessor methods for each instance variable utilized. 


Pay attention to implement method call chaining as prescribed in the main method given.

Reference no: EM13896121

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