Prompt the student to enter their user name and password

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132200523

Write a Java documented program to perform the role of a quiz maker. The program should work as follows:

1. Prompt the student to enter their user name and password. Read a file that contains a list of all students' information to validate the login credentials. Start the quiz only when the credentials are correct. After 3 failed attempts, exit the program.

2. Randomly pick ten questions from the TestBank.txt file.

3. Display one question at a time. Get the answer then move to the next question.

4. Do not accept answers other than true or false (T or F should be fine too). The answers should not be case sensitive.

5. When the user is done with the quiz, print out a report (On screen and on a file) with the below information in it:

• First name

• Last name

• Score

• Elapsed time

• User's answers and the correct answer.

6. Name the file from step 5 as follows: (userName_Quiz_Date_Time), where:

• userName is the actual user name of the student who took the quiz.

• Date_Time is the date and time of the start of the test.

7. Prompt for another user name and password or done as a user name to exit.

Reference no: EM132200523

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