Promotional activities involves face-to-face interaction

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133463034


1. Marketing as we perceive it today ________.

a. has been around for centuries
b. did not emerge until the last decade of the twentieth century
c. is a particularly American concept
d. was spawned by the industrial economy

2. The development of modern concepts of both healthcare and marketing were given impetus by the changing _______ in American society in the second half of the twentieth century.

a. values
b. economy
c. political system
d. defined benefits

3. For healthcare, the 1960s and 1970s were periods of ________.

a. restructuring
b. rapid expansion
c. declining patient volumes
d. distrust of physicians

4. When the financial crunch hit healthcare in the 1980s and 1990s, marketing budgets were often cut because ________.

a. marketers were not team players
b. no marketing efforts had been successful
c. hospital administrators wanted to do their own marketing
d. hospital administrators were not convinced of the value of marketing

5. The most significant development affecting healthcare since 2010 has been ­­­­­_______.

a. the emergence of managed care
b. the Affordable Care Act
c. the rise of consumerism
d. micromarketin

6. In which of the following ways does healthcare not act like a normal market?

a. It includes both buyers and sellers.
b. Customers often do not make their own purchase decisions.
c. It includes both goods and services.
d. Consumer satisfaction is important.

7. Compared to organizations in other industries, which of the following functions of marketing may be less emphasized in healthcare?

a. Improving customer satisfaction
b. Improving the public's perception of the organization
c. Expanding the customer base
d. Increasing the profit margin

8. Which of the following promotional activities involves face-to-face interaction?

a. Personal sales
b. Advertising
c. Direct mail
d. Internet marketing

9. Which of the following is not an attribute of a service?

a. Is intangible
b. Has no resale value
c. Can be warehoused until needed
d. Usually consumed at the time of purchase

10. Which of the four Ps of marketing has historically had limited significance in healthcare?

a. Product
b. Price
c. Place
d. Promotion

11. The challenge of attracting patients is different for hospitals in that ________.

a. hospital patients are too sick to make rational decisions
b. most patients enter through the emergency department
c. hospitals depend primarily on referrals from other providers
d. hospitals depend on word-of-mouth publicity

12. Which of the following entities spend the largest share of their budget on marketing?

a. Hospitals
b. Physician practices
c. Pharmaceutical companies
d. Public health departments

13. The 1990s saw a major shift in pharmaceutical marketing toward ________.

a. cold calls on physicians
b. over-the-counter drugs
c. direct-to-consumer marketing
d. display ads

14. The factor in utilization that relates most closely to the level of illness within a population is _______.

a. healthcare wants
b. healthcare needs
c. recommended standards
d. consumer decision-making

15. The federally supported health insurance program for low-income populations is ________.

a. Medicaid
b. Medicare
c. Blue Cross
d. Social Security

16. An approach to marketing in which promotions are customized to the needs of market segments is ________.

a. target marketing
b. mass marketing
c. micromarketing
d. none of the above

17. One method marketers use to better understand a market is _______.

a. regionalization
b. deduction
c. segmentation
d. specialization

18. What type of organization is most likely to think of the nation as its market area?

a. Regional hospital
b. Public health agency
c. Assisted living facility
d. Multinational pharmaceutical company

19. The territory or population served by a healthcare organization is referred to as a(n)  ________.

a. catchment area
b. market area
c. area of dominant influence
d. census tract

20. The geographic area that is used as the basis for determining a healthcare organization's market area reflects ________.

a. the type of care provided
b. the size of the organization
c. the geographic area from which patients are drawn
d. all of the above

21. Healthcare consumption decisions often include a(n) ________ component typically absent from other consumption decisions.

a. psychological
b. emotional
c. financial
d. rational

22. In healthcare, unlike other industries, the amount of services consumed is likely to be influenced by ________.

a. the level of need
b. consumer preferences
c. insurance coverage
d. consumer literacy

23. Individuals receiving health services from nonphysician providers are often referred to as ________.

a. patients
b. enrollees
c. clients
d. purchasers

24. Which of the following has not been a factor in the growth of international medicine?

a. Globalization of all industries
b. Overcapacity in US healthcare institutions
c. Shrinking middle classes overseas
d. Training of foreign nationals at US institutions

25. Which of the following gives US institutions an advantage when seeking to establish health facilities overseas?

a. The excellent reputation of American medicine
b. The technology that US institutions can provide
c. Local practitioners trained in the United States
d. All of the above

26. Common products purchased for personal health, such as toothpaste, Band-Aids, and iodine, are ________.

a. industrial goods
b. specialty goods
c. big-ticket items
d. convenience goods

27. The performance of complicated procedures, such as organ transplants, typically requires ________.

a. primary care services
b. secondary care services
c. tertiary care services
d. quaternary care services

28. At which stage in the product life cycle is the educational function of marketing most important?

a. Introductory
b. Growth
c. Maturity
d. Decline

29. To control costs, Medicare developed _______ as the basis for reimbursing hospitals for services provided.

a. diagnosis-related groups
b. ambulatory care guidelines
c. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
d. physician fee schedules

30. Which of the following influences the demand for health services?

a. Healthcare needs
b. Healthcare wants
c. Recommended standards of care
d. All of the above

31. Which of the following is an example of an emotion that affects healthcare decisions but not decisions related to other purchases?

a. Vanity
b. Happiness
c. Fear
d. Sadness

32. Which of the following is the best predictor of the use of health services?

a. Household size
b. Consumer preferences
c. Insurance coverage
d. Religious affiliation

33. Why must straight-line projections of service utilization be used with caution in healthcare?

a. Historical utilization statistics are unavailable.
b. Projected utilization is difficult to calculate.
c. Past utilization is not necessarily a predictor of future utilization.
d. Hospital administrators do not trust marketers.

34. A noteworthy characteristic of the US healthcare system is that ________.

a. the sickest people receive more care than they should
b. well people are more likely to obtain health services than sick people are
c. physicians set up practices where the greatest numbers of sick people are located
d. sick people obtain healthcare whether or not they have health insurance

35. Forecasts are similar to projections but are likely to ________.

a. take more factors into consideration
b. require fewer calculations
c. be easier to interpret
d. be ignored in econometric analyses

36. Which of the following bodies of knowledge is required of marketers involved in the implementation of a population health model?

a. Knowledge of the consumer population
b. Familiarity with the social determinants of health
c. Skill in conducting a community health needs assessment
d. All of the above

37. What factor do epidemiologists now believe is the best predictor of health and well- being?

a. Access to medical care
b. Quality health insurance coverage
c. Median household income
d. Zip code where someone lives

38. Which of the following is not an attribute of "healthcare" when compared with "medical care"?

a. A more holistic approach to the management of patients
b. More emphasis on prevention rather than treatment and cure
c. Consideration of the nonbiological contributors to ill health
d. A reliance on physicians for all healthcare needs

39. Which of the following developments influenced the passage of the Affordable Care Act?

a. Lack of health insurance coverage for 40 million Americans
b. Inability to access care on the part of many Americans
c. Abuses by the health insurance industry
d. All of the above

40. Which of the following was not the result of a shift from "patients" to "customers"?

a. Patients complained about receiving too much medical information.
b. Patients wanted to take a more active role in their care.
c. Patients expected to receive better service from the healthcare system.
d. Patients came to expect a higher level of value from their healthcare provider.

41. Unplanned strategies are referred to as _______.

a. corporate strategies
b. emergent strategies
c. business strategies
d. marketing strategies

42. Brand identity refers to visual features that create awareness in the mind of the consumer.

These features include _______.

a. term
b. symbol
c. typography
d. competitor slogans

43. All of the following are data collected through an internal audit except _______.

a. market intelligence
b. referral sources
c. corporate culture
d. sales volume

44. A brand image strategy _______.

a. attempts to define the comparisons between one product and another in the consumer's mind
b. attempts to convey something about a product that other competitors are reluctant to repeat because of the risk of being labeled blatant imitators
c. emphasizes psychological differences over physical differences between products
d. all of the above

45. A marketing approach that concedes the dominant position in the market in favor of being an effective runner-up is a _______.

a. market penetration strategy
b. second-fiddle strategy
c. new product strategy
d. flanking strategy

46. A company's name, logo, or tagline is referred to as its _______.

a. corporate identity
b. corporate branding
c. corporate distinctiveness
d. corporate image

47. What is the process through which marketers and health educators might test the extent to which a promotional initiative resonates with the intended audience?

a. Strategy formulation
b. Concept testing
c. Evaluation
d. Stating assumptions

48. Which of the following is an informal channel for health communication?

a. Public service announcements
b. Patient counseling
c. Health education newsletters
d. Friends and family

49. In which of the following areas has health communication been important?

a. Patient education
b. Health promotion
c. Prevention programs
d. All of the above

50. What is the means through which information that is conveyed (in the form of symbols) is converted into usable information?

a. Channel
b. Receiver
c. Decoding
d. Feedback

Reference no: EM133463034

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