Promotion of racial discrimination

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Reference no: EM13265915

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Racism is a menace to mankind. But despite of having the knowledge of such truth the American society is indulging in the promotion of racial discrimination through different ways and manners. If the evil of racism is not eradicated then it can pose a serious threat to the existence of a democratic system within the nation. And this is because no democracy can be sustained without social, economic, and political equality and as racism is an agent of inequality, it should be terminated gradually but in a steady manner.

Racism can be defined as "a developed set of attitudes that include antagonism based on the supposed superiority of one group or on the supposed inferiority of another group, premised solely on skin color or race" (Beswick). The practical application of the definition can be found in the treatment of the African Americans and other people of color in the United States. The American society, dominated by white supremacy, still now is suffering from the disease of racism and the socio-economic and political oppressions that going on against the minorities in the country can be cited as a perfect example of how racism can deteriorate the social, economic, and political health of a nation. Moreover, it is racism that has deteriorated the social status of the people of color within the United States, and especially it has affected the social status of the African Americans. Recalling history it can be stated that "In the American South, the passage of segregation laws and restrictions on black voting rights reduced African Americans to lower-caste status, despite constitutional amendments that had made them equal citizens" (Fredrickson). So, it is evident that racism is responsible for social anomalies which again has given rise to economic and political disparities.

But it can be a folly to think that racism can only have social, economic, or political ill-effects. This is because, apart from social, economic, and political devastations, racism can also impact negatively on the mental health of those who have been victimized by the evil of racial discrimination. According to Jose Sotto, an assistant professor of psychology, "the notion of racial battle fatigue could be a very real phenomenon that might explain how individuals can go from the experience of racism to the experience of serious mental health disorder" (Swayne). Research has found that more than 40 percent African Americans presently in the United States have experienced racial discrimination and about 4.5 percent of them suffer from General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) that has been a direct cause of their exposure to racial discrimination (Swayne).

In conclusion, racial discrimination is an evil which is threatening the existence of democracy in the United States and it is a menace that should be eradicated. If the evil of racism is not eradicated then it can pose a serious threat to the existence of a democratic system within the nation. And this is because no democracy can be sustained without social, economic, and political equality and as racism is an agent of inequality, it should be terminated gradually but in a steady manner.

Reference no: EM13265915

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