Promotion and disease prevention activities

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Reference no: EM133615984

Question: You are a family nurse practitioner working in clinic and you encounter 2 female patients. One patient is 15 years old, and the other patient is 66 years old. Regardless of what they are being seen for, what are some general health promotion and disease prevention activities that you will encourage/recommend for each of these women? Would the activities you encourage/recommend be similar in some ways or completely different? Explain why

Reference no: EM133615984

Questions Cloud

How much interest will you have earned after seventeen years : Each day, you deposit $4.11 into a bank account whose annual rate is 3% with daily compounding. How much interest will you have earned after seventeen years?
Experiencing 3 days of abdominal pain : Indicate he is experiencing moderate to severe pain? Decrease in pulse oximetry Hypoglycemia Increase in heart rate Increase in respiratory rate
How can finance leader be more effective partners to manager : How can finance leaders be more effective partners to managers and business leaders in developing capital budgets that align with the risk tolerance and mission
Create a concept map of the patient : Divide into your current clinical groups, participation in this activity is expected equally among all students in order to receive full credit
Promotion and disease prevention activities : promotion and disease prevention activities that you will encourage/recommend for each of these women? Would the activities you encourage/recommend be similar
Explain what is wrong with the calculation : This represents growth of 100% in 5 years; dividing 100% by 5 results in an estimated growth rate of 20% per year. Explain what is wrong with this calculation?
Explain what hypothermia is : When Mrs Chan is admitted to the ward at 0930hrs, she is found to have mild hypothermia. Explain what hypothermia is and provide three (3) contributing factors
Find the return on your refinancing cost : Find the return on your $5,000 refinancing cost. Should you refinance? If interest rates rose faster than expected, how might this change your answer?
Explain the pathophysiology of chronic cough : Explain the pathophysiology of chronic cough, if possible, and put it into your own words. Imagine you're explaining it to the parents who are non-medically


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