Promote the principles of recovery oriented practice

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Reference no: EM133032372 , Length: word count:2500

CHCMHS011 Assess and promote, social, emotional and physical wellbeing

Assessment Task 1 - Knowledge Questions

Question 1 - List two types of information and/or resources that could be used to explain social and emotional wellbeing to a person.

Question 2 - List two types of information and/or resources that could be used to explain holistic practice and the service and programs that are available.

Question 3 - Give two examples for each of the following factors that influence principles and/or practices of holistic social and emotional wellbeing.
- Social
- Emotional
- Physical
- Cultural/spiritual
- Cognitive

Question 4 - Give two examples of how a person's cognitive abilities to practise coping strategies can affect their wellbeing.

Question 5 - Give two examples of how practising mindfulness can impact a person's wellbeing

Question 6 - Give two examples of how a person's ability to practise relaxation strategies affects their wellbeing.

Question 7 - Give two examples of how the lack of social and emotional wellbeing can impact a person's mental health.

Question 8 - Give two examples of how iatrogenic effects of mental illness diagnosis and treatment can affect an individual's wellbeing

Question 9 - Briefly descibe each of the following approaches to practice:
• Motivaltional interviewing
• Solution focused
• Strengths Based
• Cognitive behavioural
• Narrative
• Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

Question 10 - Why is it important for support workers to reflect on and respond to their own values, beliefs and attitudes to ensure non-judgmental practice?

Question 11 - Provide 2 examples of how a support worker may apply each of the following legal and ethical obligations in their practice
• Codes of Practice
• Practice Standards
• Policy frameworks
• Rights and responsibilities for self and individuals accessing the service
• Discrimination
• Human rights
• Privacy and confidentiality
• Disclosure of information
• Informed consent
• Mandatory reporting
• Duty of care
• Dignity of risk
• Work health and safety

Question 12 - Why is it important to clarify and respect the person's choices, parameters and boundaries relating to topics to be discussed?

Question 13 - Why is it important to identify and negotiate with the person to gain consent prior to assessing and implementing strategies to improve their wellbeing?

Quesiton 14 - Identify a minimum of 8 peronal requirements that are important to physical wellbeing

Question 15 - Why is it important to identify and map the person's social network, including their care and support network?

Question 16 - Give two examples of how systemic oppression can affect a person who is receiving services.

Question 17 - Give two examples of how power dynamics can affect a person who is receiving services.

Question 18 - Identify 6 aspects that contribute to social wellbeing. Provide 1 example of the type of social activity that each aspect may include:

Question 19 - Identify 3 aspects of emotional wellbeing

Quesiton 20 - Identify 3 aspects of cultural/spiritual wellbeing

Question 21 - List the six steps of the stages of change model.

Question 22 - As a mental health worker, how can you ensure you are supporting people's social and emotional wellbeing in the best way possible that is current and relevant to industry standards?

Question 23 - Identify 3 things you may discuss with a person to ensure they are aware of and can maintain their sexual health.

Case Studies:

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow. Case study (questions C1-7)

Zafira is a Sudanese woman who came to Australia as a refugee. She obtained refugee status three years ago and has been living with her three children in community housing. Zafira is keen to get work, so she can help support her family. In Sudan, she worked as a chef for a restaurant, so she has cooking skills. She speaks Arabic and her English is limited, and finding work is not easy. Zafira has trouble reading and understanding employment advertisements, and when she does knock on the door of one restaurant to ask for work, she is turned away. Zafira feels it is because she is African. After three months of no success in finding work, Zafira starts to feel depressed. She has no means to support her children, and they don't have enough money to live on. Zafira feels cut off from her community and Sudanese culture. She finds living in Australia very isolating and lonely. Zafira is gaining weight as a result of little exercise and poor diet of cheap fast-food. Her depression contributes to her weight gain.
Paula is working with Zafira to try and support her wellbeing and link her to appropriate resources. Paula has never worked with a woman from Africa before; she doesn't know much about Sudanese culture. When Zafira tells Paula, she used to work in a restaurant, she is surprised, as she didn't think there were restaurants in Sudan.
Zafira asks Paula if she knows anyone who could employ her. Paula has a friend who owns a restaurant but is not sure if it is appropriate to ask a friend. What if the employment doesn't work out?

C1 - What are two strengths and strategies that Paula could identify to keep Zafira persevering?

C2 - Outline two values, beliefs, attitudes and/or behaviours that Paula should reflect on to ensure non- judgmental practice.

C3 - Briefly describe at least two of the rights and responsibilities Paula has in this situation.

C4 - Outline two responsibilities and limitations Paula has with regard to her work role boundaries in this situation.

C5 - Outline Paula's legal and/or ethical obligations to ensure Zafira is not discriminated against in this situation.

C6 - Outline Paula's legal and/or ethical obligations to ensure Zafira's human rights are upheld in this situation.

C7 - List two information sources that Paula could use to promote healthy living habits to Zafira.

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow. Case study (questions C8-15)

Richard is an older man living alone in his own home. He has Parkinson's disease and is looked after by his daughter, Victoria, who lives next door. Other than Victoria and the visiting support worker, Pieter, Richard doesn't see many people. He avoids leaving the house because he is ashamed of his condition. He is also worried that he will have a fall. Victoria encourages Richard to stay at home; she too is worried her father will fall.

Richard played a lot of golf when he was younger and before he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He misses the sport, especially walking across the course. He also misses social contact, and feels that, as an older person with an illness, he has no contribution to make to society. He was a doctor before retiring and helped many people. Richard finds his deteriorating health frustrating and depressing.
More than once, Richard has mentioned the desire to die. He has even asked Victoria to purchase a lethal substance for him, but Victoria refused.

C8 - How could Pieter assess Richard's level of social inclusion, exclusion or isolation?

C9 - Briefly describe the strategies that Pieter could develop to promote Richard's community participation and connection to extend his social network.

C10 - How could Pieter determine Richard's current level of involvement in socially based activities and his desire to increase participation in these areas?

C11 - Give two examples of types of social activity that Pieter could suggest to contribute to Richard's social wellbeing.

C12 - Give two examples of types of volunteering Pieter could suggest that would contribute to Richard's social wellbeing.

C13 - Give two examples of hobbies that Pieter could suggest to contribute to Richard's social wellbeing.

C14 - Give two examples of personal interests that Pieter could suggest to contribute to Richard's social wellbeing.

C15 - Outline two strategies and/or contingency plans that Pieter could develop to address Richard's emotional challenges and promote resilience and emotional wellbeing.

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow. Case study (questions C16-23)

Pablo is Catholic and is from Columbia. He hasn't been back to Columbia for forty years, but still speaks Spanish at home with his wife, Gloria.

Other than speaking in Spanish with his wife Gloria, Pablo has little contact with his Columbian roots. He misses his home country every day. His lack of cultural contact contributes to feelings of alienation and despair, particularly as he ages. None of Gloria or Pablo's children speak Spanish. Gloria can no longer cook because of her arthritis and they rely on meals delivered by the local council and ready-to-eat meals from the supermarket. As a result, they now rarely eat Spanish foods.

Pablo stopped going to church many years ago, when he felt the Australian congregation did not reflect his beliefs and values. In Columbia, he had been a devout Catholic, and attended all the ceremonies and festivals. He finds the lack of celebration and ritual in the Australian Catholic Church alienating.
Sonja is Pablo's support worker.

C16 - Describe how Sonja could work collaboratively to identify Pablo's preferred cultural and/or spiritual values, beliefs, traditions, activities and practices.

C17 - How could Sonja encourage Pablo's involvement in cultural activities and networks to improve his wellbeing?

C18 - How could Sonja support Pablo to practise his own culture?

C19 - How could Sonja support Pablo to experience good links within his own culture?

C20 - Briefly describe Pablo's cultural and spiritual needs and activities he wants to undertake and any changes he would like to make.

C21 - Outline at least two other people or resources that Sonja could suggest to introduce these changes.

C22 - How should Sonja support Pablo to implement cultural/spiritual strategies and access resources?

C23 - How could Sonja address any cultural improvements to her current practice?

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow. Case study (questions C24-30)

Daisy and her three-year-old child, Chris, have recently accessed safe housing, having escaped a severe domestic abuse situation. Daisy has been physically, emotionally and sexually abused for the last four years by her partner, Robbie. Daisy finally sought professional help after Robbie locked her and Chris in a small room for two days without food or water. When Robbie went to the local shops, Daisy managed to escape, and went to the police. She has been living in a women's shelter for the last three weeks but has constant fear and anxiety that Robbie will find them. She thinks Robbie will kill her and Chris too.
Naomi is Daisy's support worker. She helps Daisy identify safe living options and find work opportunities. Daisy has skills in finance, so can work as a bookkeeper. Daisy is very worried about being out in the world. She eventually applies to rent a small flat with other women on the other side of the city. She needs to get work straight away to pay the rent. She finds a local crèche for Chris, but there are no vacancies. It turns out
finding childcare is very difficult, as most centres have a waiting list. Daisy's anxiety increases with every week that passes.

C24 - Outline how Naomi could respond flexibly and use contingency plans to manage this situation.

C25 - What are two of Daisy's needs that Sonja may need to seek specialist expertise about?

C26 - How should Naomi meet her legal and/or ethical obligations with regard to Daisy's privacy, confidentiality and disclosure in this situation?

C27 - How should Naomi meet her legal and/or ethical obligations with regard to mandatory reporting in this situation?

C28 - What are Naomi's legal and ethical obligations with regard to duty of care in this situation?

C29 - How could Naomi evaluate effectiveness of current service provision and from whom should she seek feedback?

C30 - What has Naomi learnt from this situation and how could she use this experience to improve her practice?

Assessment Task 2 - Simulation

Assessment Task: Simulation
For this assessment, you are required to assume the role of a worker providing services within a mental health organisation.

Your role is to promote the principles of recovery oriented practice, and to deliver physical, social, emotional and cultural/spiritual wellbeing support to people with Mental illness.

You will be required to demonstrate the criteria identified in each of the four parts for this assessment:

Part 1 - Assess the person's wellbeing
• Provide information and resources to the person to explain social and emotional wellbeing, holistic practice and the available services and programs
• Explore the domains of wellbeing with the person, identifying strengths and strategies that keeps the person strong
• Clarify and demonstrate respect for the person's choices, parameters and boundaries relating to topics to be discussed
• Work with the person to identify other information that may be relevant and assist them in understanding their social emotional wellbeing
• In collaboration with the person, determine other people, including the natural supports, the person wants involved in their plans and support
• Confirm the details of what you will discuss with the person, ensure they are willing to proceed and obtain and document their consent.

Part 2 - Promote physical, social, emotional, cultural/spiritual wellbeing
• Review the person's physical health by discussing any health issues or potential risks to health including fitness and nutrition and encourage them to seek professional advice as required
• Identify when regular health checks were last undertaken and facilitate referrals or appointments as required
• Arrange for health assessments or medication reviews based on the person's needs
• Proactively support and encourage the person to identify areas where physical health could be improved and discuss strategies to address this.
• Promote healthy living habits using established and credible information sources
• Identify and map the person's social network, including their care network, their community participation and others that are providing them with support
• Assess through consultation with the person their level of social inclusion/exclusion or isolation
• Determine the person's current level of involvement in socially based activities and community participation, and develop strategies based on their desire to increase participation in any of these areas
• Identify emotional strengths, challenges and triggers
• Identify activities or people that promote emotional strength and wellbeing
• In collaboration with the person, develop strategies and contingency plans to address emotional challenges and promote resilience and emotional wellbeing
• Work collaboratively to identify the person's preferred cultural and/or spiritual values, beliefs, traditions, activities and practices
• Identify cultural and spiritual needs and activities the person wants to undertake or changes they would like to make
• Identify the people or resources required to introduce these changes
• Support the person to implement cultural/spiritual strategies and access resources
• Case notes: In collaboration with the person, confirm and record the details of the persons preferences, strategies, activities and recommendations including: who they would like involved in their wellbeing support, their community of choice, social inclusion including social network and suggestions for improved physical health. You will also need to record how and when you will support and review the social inclusion strategies with the person to ensure they have been effective. This will be documented in a word document and submitted for assessment purposes.

Part 3 - Review Wellbeing
• For this part of the assessment you will assume it is 4 weeks from your previous meeting with the person.
• You will meet with the person to discuss, recognise and celebrate their progress. Identify new directions and strategies the person may wish to undertake.
• Respond flexibly and utilise contingency plans as required
• Identify any specialist expertise that may be required and provide the person with information (names of organisations etc.) relating to this, according to their needs
• Evaluate the effectiveness of your work and service provision (including any cultural improvements) by gathering feedback from the person you are providing the service to.
• Use the information you have gathered to write (in a word document) a reflection of your practice. As part of this reflection, identify the strategies and plans you will implement for improved practice. Your reflection will be submitted to Moodle for your assessment.

Assessment Task 3 - Professional Placement Program

Context of assessment:
• To meet the requirements of this unit, you are required participate in a Professional Placement where you will demonstrate the relevant elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency.
• This assessment must be undertaken in an appropriate work placement venue during your professional industry placement
• You will be working under the supervision of an appropriate manager at the work placement venue.
• An EQUALS assessor will observe your performance in the workplace completing the relevant tasks and skills in line with the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency.
Planning the assessment:
• You must ensure your professional placement is undertaken at a suitable venue that will enable you to demonstrate your skills for working in a recovery-oriented way when providing wellbeing support for clients.
• You will be required to work with 3 people who require support for their emotional, social, physical, cultural/spiritual wellbeing.
• You will work with these people either on your own (under supervision of an experienced worker within your workplace) or in conjunction with an experienced worker, whereby you will be able to assist with relevant questioning and documentation. You must demonstrate your ability to work with these people by demonstrating the skills that are identified below (Section 1 in your logbook).
• Your placement supervisor will observe you working with the 3 people and will verify your ability to demonstrate the skills by providing feedback in the space allocated in your logbook (section 1)
• You will also be required to provide information in response to each of the criterion identified in section 2 of your logbook, the information you provide will be relevant to each person you are working with and/or observing. You will require access to the following resources when completing this section.
• People requiring wellbeing support
• Care plans/case notes
• organisation policies and procedures
• consultation with staff who have been working with the clients
• You are required to regularly review your professional placement logbook to ensure you are meeting the requirements of the unit within the workplace.
• Your EQUALS facilitator will observe your progress to achieve the skills identified within this unit as part of their facilitation visits. You will be required to provide them with your logbook so they can adequately consult with your placement supervisor regarding their feedback, review your responses in section 2 as well as observe you working with clients (where applicable).
• The assessor will arrange an appropriate time to provide feedback to you on your performance during your professional placement.

Section 1:
Using effective communication skills, explore the person's social, emotional physical and cultural/spiritual wellbeing, identifying strengths and strategies that keeps the person strong as well as their level of social inclusion or isolation.
Clarify and respect the person's choices, parameters and boundaries relating to topics to be discussed
Identify emotional strengths, challenges and triggers

Identify activities or people that promote emotional strength and wellbeing
Develop strategies to promote community participation and connection to extend depth or breadth of the person's social network
Respond flexibly and utilise contingency plans as required

Section 2 - Provide information for each of the following that is relevant to each of your clients:

Based on your conversation with person, how would you explain their wellbeing? What areas do you feel they require support in?

What did the person identify as their strengths? What strategies would you or did you suggest that keep them strong?
How socially active is the person? What are some of the social activities the person engages in? Would they like to increase their social participation?
What are some of the activities or people that the person feels support them the most emotionally?

What are the person's preferred cultural/spiritual values, beliefs, traditions, activities or practices? Are they comfortable with their level of involvement in activities associated with these areas or would they like to make changes - explain
Who are some of the people or natural supports the person would like to include in their plans and support?

Note:You just only have to do 2 case studies

Attachment:- Assess and promote, social, emotional and physical wellbeing.rar

Reference no: EM133032372

Questions Cloud

Strong educational programs : Students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities
Judge Rotenburg Educational Center : Powerpoint presentation on Juge Rotenburg Educational center and the GED. What were the ethical violations? Can you connect them to specific code guidelines?
Identify the type of change for each of the six items : At the end of 2019, the company accrued sales salaries of $47,500 in excess of the correct amount. Identify the type of change for each of the six items
What is meant by the term distribution policy : Question - What is meant by the term "distribution policy"? How has the mix of dividend payouts and stock repurchases changed over time
Promote the principles of recovery oriented practice : Promote the principles of recovery oriented practice, and to deliver physical, social, emotional and cultural/spiritual wellbeing support to people with Mental
Ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds : Will disparities always exist in the incidence and prevalence of disease among different races and ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds?
Should Silverston implement the new credit policy : Should Silverston implement the new credit policy? Write a recommendation to the company in the form of a memo clearly explaining your position
What is the standard deviation of her portfolio : The correlation between the two stocks is -.6. If Hannah makes equal investments in ZV and TNA, what is the standard deviation of her portfolio
Unlimited funds for workplace hazard training : Most companies do not have unlimited funds for workplace hazard training.



11/20/2021 2:05:17 AM

You just only have to do 2 case studies not all And all the knowledge answers I need hardvard style referencing at the end of assignment of each answer I need to do all the question including case studies as well I am scared because that s my second attempt and I am already facing plagiarism issues that s why ensuring Please put reference at the end of the assignment and each answer need hardvard style referencing I am scared please make sure it’s plagiarism free I will send you more assignments next week


11/20/2021 2:05:01 AM

All Questions to answer in file and follow all my comments below very very strictly It’s diploma of mental health I am doing it from equals Assignment file and some material attached I need plagiarism free and each answer needs harvard style referencing at the end. Please do it actually I am sick and facing some financial difficulties I will give you more assignments

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