Projects for the falling letters game

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1383610

Task: Design and implement 2 projects for the Falling Letters game using C# and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) template in Visual Studio 2012 or newer.

When the program starts, player can see alphabet letters (A, B, C, ..., Z) falling down as seen on the game window below.

  • In the first project, the player identifies the lowest letter then presses the key of that letter on the keyboard to remove that letter from the window. Note that only the lowest letter on the window can be removed.
  • In the second project, the player clicks the mouse on any falling letter to remove that letter from the window.

The game is over if the lowest letter touches the bottom side of the window. The player wins if all of the letters are removed.


Your design and implementation should satisfy the following requirements:

1. There are 26 letters (A, B, C, ..., Z) falling down in alphabetical order starting with letter A.

2. The following values are randomly generated: distance from a letter to the left side of the window, distance from a letter to the top side of the window, and distance between 2 consecutive letters.

3. The falling speed is the same for all of the letters and cannot be changed at runtime.

4. Use generic queue in the first project and generic list in the second project.

5. Your program needs to handle all exceptions.

6. You need to use XML comments and Microsoft convention styles for writing C# code and indentation.

Hints and marking scheme will be provided in tutorials. An example for the main window can be found below. You can add more text box, button or other controls for your implementation.

2143_Projects for the falling letters game.png

Reference no: EM1383610

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