Reference no: EM132420713 , Length: word count:750
Writing a Memoir Assignment - Project: Writing a Hero's Memoir
For this final project, you will write a fictional memoir based on a modern hero that you have researched. The memoir will be written from your chosen hero's point of view. The memoir should be based on fact, but you will be required at times to imagine the hero's inner thoughts and character traits that helped make a successful journey. Use the information you have just read about writing a memoir including its length and style (around 500 words).
PROMPT: Discuss the ways in which poets use descriptive language to show how nature parallels life. please go into detail using examples from poets like Robert frost, a good poem to use would be nothing gold can stay.
Write about ONE event in the hero's journey, rather than writing an entire biographical story. Consider the hero's journey discussed in earlier in this unit and focus on one stage. The memoir, directly or indirectly, should reveal what traits you believe led to this particular journey and what you think the hero learned from the experience. Remember that this is fictional but should be based on real events. Although the memoir is about one event there may be background information provided leading up to the event and/or after. Here are some examples which you may decide to use or create your own: Write from the point of view of...
1. Malala Yousafzai receiving the Nobel Peace Prize as she reflects on her journey.
2. Ghandi starting off his campaign of passive resistance.
3. Kerry Brodie hearing a story about her grandparents' experience in the war that prompted her to start a foundation.
Step 1 - Explore these sites to choose to help choose the person on which to base your memoir. Once you have made a selection you may need to do some further research to find details about one important event in their journey. Remember it can be from any of the three stages: Departure, Initiation and Return.
1. Time 100
2. My Hero
3. Conduct your own search to find several articles from news sites that have ranked certain Canadians as the "top" heroes. Keep in mind this is only an opinion. You decide who you think is worthy!
Step 2 - Complete the research and planning outline that you will use to help draft your memoir. Hand this in with your memoir.
Step 3 - Write a draft of the memoir. Then revise, review, polish, and publish.
For this project you will have the option to choose to what level the assignment is completed. This assignment gives options according to the proficiency scale. Each option allows you to display your understanding at different levels. Students should strive to reach "Proficient and Extending" in all topics. However, students should be able to display their knowledge at whatever level they can achieve. Make sure you are showing your highest level of understanding. Be aware that displaying a Developing Understanding will result in a maximum of 3 out of 6, and a Proficient Understanding will result in a maximum of 4 or 5 out of 6. For the opportunity to achieve a 6 out of 6 students need to follow the requirements of the Extended Understanding option. Please choose the option that allows you to best display your understanding of the content.
Proficiency Scale Information:
To show Developing Understanding - Complete the assignment only up to step 2. Be thorough in your notes and planning to show a good understanding of what should be included.
To show Proficient Understanding - Complete all three steps of the assignment. The third step (the final draft of the memoir) will be a minimum of one page while still including all requirements of the final step of the assignment.
To show Extended Understanding - Complete all three steps of the assignment. The third step (the final draft of the memoir) will be a minimum of two pages and will include all requirements of the final step of the assignment.
Assessment: Below you will find the exemplary criteria used to assess the assignment.
Learning Target: Exemplary comprehension of the task and clear accomplishment of the objective. Student demonstrates exemplary communication and understanding of memoir format.
Ideas and Content: Writing processes clearly communicate a memorable incident in the hero's journey and illustrates heroic traits of that person that are based on facts gathered through research.
Conventions and Sentence Fluency: Sentence structure and vocabulary are varied, skillfully written, and carefully chosen. Work has been proofread and there are few or no errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
Organization and Word Choice: The memoir uses effective description that shows character traits and creates an emotional impact. The narrative structure is fluent with an engaging hook and a conclusion that emphasizes the stage of journey that is being narrated.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar