Reference no: EM132576541 , Length: 8000 Words
Project - Visualisation of magnetic fields from MRI gradient and RF coils
1.Carry out literature search using Web of Science (WoS): Read about magnetic simulation, but you should also use a proper search engine such as WoS (not Google) to identify relevant articles, perhaps showing MRI coil types that can be simulated with your software. WoS shows the articles that cite each listed paper and effectively moves forwards in time from the date of publication - a simple Google search will not show this clearly. You can start to learn about the physics of e.g. the Biot Savart Law from Wikipedia and university websites, but you should try to find the same information in a proper textbook to use in your list of references.
2. Develop MATLAB script to plot magnetic fields from wires and coils: You will need to install MATLAB on your PC and become familiar with the user interface. Then you can try plotting graphs using textbook results for simple structures like straight wires and circular loops. The main aim is to develop a MATLAB script to implement the Biot-Savart Law which can then be used to show/simulate the magnetic fields produced by coils of any shape.
3. Write the thesis Suggest 5 main chapter headings plus the reference list:
Introduction: introduce the topic and outline the rest of the thesis.
Theory: Give a general overview of MRI physics then go into greater detail on coil types and introduce the Biot-Savart Law.
Methods: Describe how the Biot Savart Law was implemented in MATLAB - you can list the code as it should only take 1-2 pages and then describe each step.
Results: Show results from simulations of example coils structures. The Biot Savart results can be compared with known textbook results for simple circular coils and straight wires.
Discussion: Discuss how well the method worked and compare with published results.
References: aim to include 15-20 references, including textbooks and articles from peer-reviewed journals.
Documents related to your project. The overall aim is to develop MATLAB code using the Biot-Savart Law to plot magnetic fields from MRI RF and gradient coils. This code can then be used to test coil designs for uniformity (RF coils) and linearity (gradient coils).
Thesis length: The main text should contain 8,000 - 10,000 words. This word count includes any figure captions and tables in the main chapters, but excludes the abstract, preliminary pages (title, declaration, contents etc.), reference list and appendices. The main text should be 1.5 line-spaced with 11point minimum font size (Figure captions 10 point). The thesis should have approximately 50 numbered pages, depending on how many graphs and diagrams are used.
Target audience: The thesis should be written so it can be understood by anyone with a background in medical physics or medical imaging, not just experts in your particular thesis subject.
Thesis plan: The main text should be divided into 5-7 chapters e.g. Introduction, Theory, Methods, Results, Discussion. It is recommended that you write a thesis plan by the end of the third week and discuss this with your supervisor. The plan should show the chapter titles, major section headings and approximate numbers of pages in each chapter to help you allocate time when writing up. You can always modify this as the project develops.
Cover page: This must include the thesis title, your name, qualifications and the place where they were obtained, supervisor(s), and a statement that "This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MSc in Medical Physics/Medical Imaging at the University and is a record of work carried out for that degree in Session 2019-20". An example template will be placed under "Course materials" in the BP5901 page.
Declaration: The next page should have a signed declaration similar to: "I composed this thesis and it has not been accepted in any previous application for a degree, I carried out the work described, all verbatim extracts have been distinguished by quotation marks and all information sources have been specifically acknowledged".
Abstract: A self-contained abstract of no more than 300 words is required before the contents page.
Referencing: All information sources other than your own work must be properly cited in the text using either the Harvard (author, year) or footnote [1] methods. The reference list at the end must list all sources such as journal articles, book chapters, websites, manuals and datasheets. Articles must be listed in the standard format, i.e. author, year, article title, journal name, volume, pages.
Attachment:- Visualisation of magnetic fields.rar