Reference no: EM131243598
Design and code a project to calculate the amount due for rentals. Movies may be in VHS (videotape) format or DVD format. Videotapes rent for $1.80 each and DVDs rent for $2.50. New releases are $3 for DVD and $2 for VHS.
On the form include a text box to input the movie title and radio buttons to indicate whether the movie in DVD or VHS format. Use one check box to indicate whether the person is a member, members receives a 10% discount. Another check box indicates a new release.
Use buttons for calculate, Clear for Next Item, Order Complete, Summary, Print, and Exit. The Calculate button should display the item amount and add to the subtotal. The clear for Next Item button clears the check box for new releases, the movie title, and the radio buttons; the member check box cannot be changed until the current order is complete. Include validation to check for missing data. If the user clicks on the Calculate button without first entering the movie title and selecting the movie format, display a message box.
For the order complete button, first confirm the operation with the user and clear the controls on the form for a new customer.
The summary button displays the number of customers and the sum of the rental amounts in a message box. Make sure to add the customer count and rental sum for each customer order.
a. Successfully use IF statements
b. Successfully call a sub procedure from another sub procedure
c. Be able to take input from the message box in the form of "Yes" or "No" and be able to use that input to manipulate subsequent outputs
2. Includes your name(Jamie Marshall) in the coding section and also displayed on the program during runtime
3. Runs without error
4. Includes the functionalities suggested by the case
5. The form(s) should look normal (e.g. not too large or too small, controls are arranged in a logical fashion)
6. The controls, variables, and constants are named properly with meaningful/suitable names
7. Includes error handling in case of invalid user input
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