Reference no: EM131301020
Introduction to iOS Programming Swift - Tic-Tac-Toe app
The goal of this project is to improve your game by allowing the user to set the difficulty level for the game. You will create an options menu with three options for the difficulty level:
1. Easy
2. Medium
3. Expert
We are going to create a UIAlertView to change the difficulty level of the game. You will need to modify the Swift code so the difficulty level can be set. When set to the "Easy" level, the computer will always make random moves. When set to the "Medium" level, the computer will make a winning move if possible, otherwise it will make a random move, and when set to the "Expert" level, the computer will try to make a winning move. If there is no winning move the computer will make a blocking move and finally a random move if there is no blocking move.
There are a few ways to implement this, the Java code below gives one possible implementation.
1. Add an enumeration for the difficulty level and a variable for keeping track of the current difficulty level setting:
2. Create getters and setters for the difficulty level:
3. Finally, modify the getComputerMove() method to call the appropriate function depending on the difficulty level. It's left to you to implement getRandomMove(), getWinningMove(), and getBlockingMove() based on the pre-existing code. Note that the functions might need to temporarily modify the board array, but they should leave the array in the same state it was in before the functions were called.
What to turn in:
1. A zip file of your entire project folder
2. Demonstrate your working program in class.
Attachment:- C Programming