Reference no: EM132198222
You are asked to solve a business problem using the technologies learned in class (ASP.NET/VB.NET). The project submission requirements are outlined in this document. Using the normal dropbox approach, a zip file of a localhost app and a MS-Word document, The MS-Word document having screenshots of the webforms filled in, the other requirements outlined in this document and the code. The important criteria is that you present a problem, a client (real or theoretical), a working program solution of considerable functionality and documentation. You will grow as a technology-based problem solver and developer.
Background Information - We learn by doing, and the business world has many problems that can be solved, or workflows automated with data-based applications. More importantly, if you think through a business problem and design a solution, then persist until the solution is made, you will learn a great deal about MIS, technology based problem solving, and delivering business solutions. Your confidence as a designer and developer will also grow.
You will learn the methodology to create transaction processing systems. To demonstrate your mastery of the programming methodologies revealed to you, you are asked to create a Visual Studio application that solves a business problem (for example retail POS, inventory management, event bookings). It’s a great resume and confidence builder to create a functional program that performs many routine business processes. Identify the problem to be solved, record the project requirements, plan out the database tables, web pages, and then start programming by mid-semester. Create a realistic system that can be used to solve the stated business problem.
Grading the project's functionality: Your professor needs to assess the functionality of the program, so make all functionality obvious (have a friend test your program to ensure this). Please make all functionality obvious using on-screen buttons, labels, prompts and tool tips. If there is a login procedure then give the professor an onscreen userID and password so they do not have to log-in and create one, or go looking for one.
The program you create should not be about repetition of simple concepts such as registering a new customer, then replicating the page to register new employees, etc. Rather the program should solve a problem, and a workflow. So think about transactions that are saved and tables that are updated similar to the content that was distributed. For example, a simple sale of an item needs to record the sale, update customer accounts, and update the inventory, and update overall records (running totals). Adding in analytics for example progress to goal or comparison of categories (ie comparing toy sales, to magazines, to book from the first assignment).
This project must incorporate the advanced features presented in the class (VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, no database is required, the data structures in memory are sufficient). If you do not create a program of the same functionality of demonstrated and distributed programs then your project will not receive a high grade. Make a program that has at least the functionality of a point of sale system that records sales into database tables and tracks best-selling products, best customers, and inventory.
In the documentation:
a) Include a cover page with the name of your project, the customer, the class number, and your name
b) Include a discussion of the business problem, the customer, the business process, the solution provided, and the derived benefits from the solution. Clearly describing the benefits is just as important as having clear code.
c) Use another 2 pages to give an overview of the functionality of each web page and procedure. Give written instruction (like a manual or documentation for on how to use and test out the system (tool-tips and dropdown list choices go a long way to making programs easy to test out!).
d) Add all commented code in an appendix. You code needs to be commented to both explain it and so that others can maintain it after you.
f) Make sure you highlight in yellow all UPDATE procedures and special innovative code that you were not exposed to in class (new functionality that your group researched and included). Adding functionality that you researched and included (that was not taught) is a sure way to improve your grade.