Project related to computer system development program

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133104812

Advanced computer system development program

Question: Master Project

The project title should be from Service Oriented Module

please select the topics from the computer system development program

18,000 words count

Reference no: EM133104812

Questions Cloud

Effectively gather requirements : What techniques were used to effectively gather requirements? How did your project manager ensure that the requirements were accurate and thorough?
Sales manager interview paper : What is their particular leadership style. How they maintain motivation and enthusiasm among their salesforce.
Discuss the differences between a debt and equity security : Discuss the differences between a debt and equity security held as investment. What are some key differences in accounting process for each type of security
What is the total annual order cost and carrying cost : The BOF Company has in the past ordered raw material "X" in quantities of 3,125 units, What is the total annual order cost and carrying cost at the EOQ
Project related to computer system development program : Advanced computer system development program - Master Project - select the topics from the computer system development program
Personal integrity and ethical foundations : We each have an idea of what integrity means in our head, but actually defining this concept is rather difficult. What does integrity mean to you?
Determine the benedict retained earnings on december : Benedict Company compiled the following financial information as of December 31, 2010: Determine the Benedict's retained earnings on December 31, 2010
Find example of small business that is using social media : Find an example of a small business that is using social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to promote its products or services.
What is the total amount of revenue earned for the week : The company buys $6,000 worth of equipment with cash. What is the total amount of revenue earned for the week



3/15/2022 2:22:42 AM

This is MAster Project 18,000words count The project title should be from Service Oriented Module... my Program name is MSC advanced computer system development program please select the topics from the module..i will confirm from my professor and the give u the topic and start the specification form

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