Project - RATCH - The Ru bATCH job simulator

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132268021

Operating Systems Project - RATCH - The Ru bATCH job simulator

Description - For this project, you will build upon your interactive shell from project 2. You will add the ability to start programs and simulate their execution similar to what has been done. The system will have a set amount of memory, a variable burst time, and uses a round robin queue for keeping track of running processes.

Commands the RUSH shell will implement for this project

start <program> - Add the program to the simulator

step <number> - Advance the system X units of time

setBurst <number> - Set the amount of time a process gets on the CPU before being moved to the back of the queue

setMemory <integer> - Set the amount of memory available for the system

getMemory - Print out the amount of memory for the system

run - Advance the simulator until no jobs are left to run

addProgram <name> <timeRequirement> <memoryRequirement> <pair>*

<pair> is

<timeTodoIO> <AmountOfIOTime> // Both are integers

This command adds a program to the filesystem in the current directory

Notes on simulation: When a job goes to run, the system must have memory to support it otherwise it will not run. When a job asks for IO, it must be removed from the queue until it finishes the I/O request. Once it is finished it will go to the back of the ready queue. Whenever the current job is finished or leaves the queue, an updated system state should be printed out.

Submission requirements: Include all of your files in a directory name project3 along with a Makefile that can build your program and produce the RATCH executable.

Note - The code need to be able to run on putty Linux my system doesn't support C++11. The code need to be run on any system.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132268021

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3/27/2019 10:43:04 PM

The project will have all requirements fresh work plagiarism free and the code need to be able to run on putty Linux my system doesn’t support c++11. The code need to be run on any system. Note: your code must account for extraneous spaces or newlines. If it does not handle these input cases, a grade deduction will be made. Your program will be tested by inputting the commands listed earlier into a file, then redirected into your program via ./NAME < inputFile. If your program does not work in this manner, you will not receive a passing grade on the project.


3/27/2019 10:42:59 PM

Submission requirements: Include all of your files in a directory name project3 along with a Makefile that can build your program and produce the RATCH executable. This directory into the file project. I expect one directory to be produced project3 that contains your source code and a Makefile that will build your program. I use auto-grading on these assignments.


3/27/2019 10:42:52 PM

Rubric - Your program will be graded in the following areas. Your assignment is graded on capabilities. Adherence to submission requirements - Meets all requirements in the assignment. Functionality - Works on input not provided at time of assignment. Code quality - Good design and formatting. Comments - Well commented, good coverage, functions, classes, the program itself, readme files. This assignment is worth 100 points and are assigned as follows. A – Is rated as a 3 in all areas. B – Has a 3 in functionality and adherence to submission requirements and at most one two in the other areas. C - Has a 2 in functionality, a 3 in adherence to submission requirements, and twos in the other areas. D – Has a 2 in functionality. F – Does not meet the above requirements.

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