Project proposal for healthcare organizations

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Reference no: EM13177 , Length: 12

A recent WHO-sponsored initiative on the event of such a strategy for assessing management performance (based on the appliance of human resource indicators of performance and therefore the initial results of this work area unit reported here.

It inculcates:-

1.      An introduction to healthcare industry

  • The objectives area unit being achieved
  • The service provided is as effective because it will be;
  • The processes by that the service is being delivered area unit as economical as possible;
  • Service delivery is up or obtaining worse over time;
  • How the organization compares with others in its potency and effectiveness.

2.      Roles of healthcare manager in changing scenario

3.      Strategies

4.      Emphasis on efficiency

5.      Use of Electronic Medical Records

6.      Medical Errors:

7.      Managed Care Organizations

8.      Effective Compensation and benefits

9.      Skills needed:

  • Conceptual Skills
  • Human Relations Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Administrative Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Problem finding Skills
  • Decision making Skills

2.      Safety

3.      Decentralization

4.      Performance analysis monthly

5.      Training and Education



8.      Human Resources and variety problems


Reference no: EM13177

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