Reference no: EM133026732
Project Presentation and Paper (900-1000 words)
Students will be required to work in teams (3-4 members per group) on an assigned topic for presentation to their peers. Marks for the presentation will be allocated equally to all group members.
All members in the group must present. Every student is expected to present for 4-5 minutes, with 4-5 slides per student, aiding their presentation. It is up to the group to decide the structure and the order of the presentation.
As individuals, students are also required to submit a 900-1,000 word report detailing their role in the group presentation, including their particular contribution to preparation for the presentation.
Students should note the conceptual as well as practical contributions made to the presentation and its preparation.
Criteria for Assessment
- Depth and breadth of issues covered, including explicit reference to relevant literature.
- Demonstrated level of understanding of issues, including specific, theoretically-informed insights acquired into the topic.
- Clarity and coherence of presentation including effective use of media.
- Clear specification and discussion of conceptual and practical contributions made to the presentation
Topics to choose from: the digital divide, data privacy, internet censorship, Green IT, cyberbullying, cybercrime, cyber-hygiene, and Internet-of-Things (IoT).
Attachment:- Project Presentation.rar