Project - movie lovers club

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM131464982

Project - Movie Lovers Club

The Movie Lover's Club is a club of persons that love to watch movies and keep track of how many times they have watched the movies they love.

The club president, Al Hitchcock, has hired you to create a simple, text-based program that will allow him to enter, update, and retrieve information about the movies that his club members love.

The main menu that is provided by the program will look as follows:

Welcome to the Movie Lover's Club

1. Display all members
2. Display all movie information for a member
3. Increment the times a specific movie was watched by a member
4. Add a movie for a member
5. Add a new member
Q. Quit

Please enter a selection:

For menu option 1 (Display all users), you should display all club members.

Club Members
Mary Frank

For menu option 2 (Display all movie information for a member), you should prompt for the member name and display all movie information for that member. The member name must exist otherwise you should display an error message.

Please enter a selection: 2
Please enter the user's name: Frank Movies for club member: Frank

Movie                   Rating  Watched


Beauty and the




Kung Fu Panda








Please enter a selection: 2

Please enter the user's name: James Sorry, member not found

For menu option 3 (Increment the number of times a specific movie was watched by a member), prompt the user for the member's name and then for the movie name. Both these items must exist otherwise you should display an error message.

Please enter a selection: 3
Please enter the member's name: Mary
Please enter the name of the movie: Superman Times watched incremented

Please enter a selection: 3
Please enter the member's name: James Sorry, member not found

Please enter a selection: 3
Please enter the member's name: Frank
Please enter the name of the movie: Star Wars Sorry, movie title not found

For menu option 4 (Add a movie for a member), prompt the user for the member's name and then for the movie information. The member name must exist and the movie name must not already exist otherwise you should display an error message.

Please enter a selection: 4
Please enter the member's name: Frank Enter movie name: Star Wars
Enter times watched: 3 Enter rating: PG-13
Movie added

Please enter a selection: 4
Please enter the member's name: James Sorry, member not found

Please enter a selection: 4
Please enter the member's name: Frank Enter movie name: Cinderella

For menu option 5 (Add a new member), prompt the user for the new member's name and add the user information. The member name must not otherwise you should display an error message. Note that no movie information should be added for the new member.

Please enter a selection: 5
Enter the new member's name: Kevin

Member added

1. Display all members
2. Display all movie information for a member
3. Increment the times a specific movie was watched by a member
4. Add a movie for a member
5. Add a new member
Q. Quit

Please enter a selection: 1 Club Members
Mary Frank Kevin

1. Display all members
2. Display all movie information for a member
3. Increment the times a specific movie was watched by a member
4. Add a movie for a member
5. Add a new member
Q. Quit

Please enter a selection: 2
Please enter the user's name: Kevin Movies for club member: Kevin
Movie Rating Watched


You must use a Python Dictionary as the data structure that will hold all the movie and user information. You may structure this Dictionary in any way you like. However, you may use the following Dictionary if you wish.

movies = { 'Mary': {'Big':
'Watched': 1,
'Rating': 'G'
'Watched': 3,
'Rating': 'PG'
'Forrest Gump':
'Watched': 3,
'Rating': 'PG-13'
'Frank': {'Beauty and the Beast':
'Watched': 1,
'Rating': 'G'

'Kung Fu Panda':
'Watched': 5,
'Rating': 'G'
'Watched': 1,
'Rating': 'G'

The overall logic of the program is straightforward. You may use the following structure as a starting point if you wish:

print("Welcome to the Movie Lover's Club") while True:
#Display the main print("1. Display all members")
# Get the menu selection from the user
# and make sure it is valid
if selection == '1':
# do it
if selection == '2':
# do it
if selection == '3':
# do it
if selection == '4':
# do it
if selection == '5':
# do it
if selection == 'Q':
# do it

print("Thanks for using the Movie Lover's Club application!")

Verified Expert

In this i have created the movie lover's club program. The Movie Lover’s Club is a club of persons that love to watch movies and keep track of how many times they have watched the movies they love. With the use of python dictionary as a data structure i have implemented this program.

Reference no: EM131464982

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