Project internet technologies

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132538228

The project is about creating a short survey on a contemporary topic in networking that we give as below. This is a cornerstone activity that we would like you to learn for your continuingdevelopment. In our sector,this is an activity you would need to do regularly to keep up-to-date with developments and in cases present to your supervisors/teams.

The main outcome of this project is a short report. Detailed report formatting instructions are found at the end of this project description.

For this project students need to write a brief survey on the topic of:Wireless Sensor Network Routing Protocols. This is a new area in networks that will be good to get an overview of as well as practicing writing a survey.

You should initially start reading Wikipedia articles, news, and similar webpages to get a high-level idea for what the topic is about. Then you should use or similar scholarly publication search enginesfor performing amore detailed background search and do further reading. It is important to note that if you login to our library with your student credentials, you will be able to access papers that are returned by these engines for free of charge in most cases. Note: Using pure is a good start but will most likely land you on more general news items again and again; than recent research and developments and proper articles.

You are encouraged to find other survey papers that already exist in this topic.You do not need to start your survey from scratch basically. There would be many surveys out there already. Find one that is recent. Better, find many and you will see authors look at similar but not the same set of algorithms/protocols. They may also have different classifications. These should give you an idea on what common/popular methods exist and what key comparison parameters you can have between solutions. They are also a good examples on how to write surveys.

You cannot use other surveys or other papersat large to copy things into your own surveys. These should not be the sole source of your surveys anyway. After you refer to individual key papers mentioned in the surveys and review them, you need to make your own judgements and categorizations (although many of the categories you create could be similar to other survey papers in the area.)

It is important to note thatthis is a simple survey, we do not expect you to learn every paper in detail and to be comprehensive about the topic... but rather cover the key papers, classifications/parameters.The number of citations a paper gets in is an indicator about its leadership in the field, i.e.,in addition to the fact that it is cited in other surveys. For this survey, if you cite 5 papers in total that would be adequate. More is doable and acceptable if you do so. Note that not all of the papers can be survey papers.

The stages of your project can be summarized as: Background search/reading selected papers (should not take more than one weekeven considering other duties);then organization of your report with titles and subtitles, figure captions, etc, while populating sections withkey bullet points/issuesto mentionin these sections...andthen finishing your report by writing the details of each point and drawing figures/tables.
After this exercise students are expected to have a decent idea in the topic. The topic we have chosen is something you would already be partially familiar with through some of the algorithms you have already seen earlier in the semester.So you should know what to look for at high level as a routing algorithm.
Following report section-headingsare highly recommended:
- Introduction to the Topic (1 page)
- Related Work (2 pages)
- Comparison of Key Approaches (benefits and disadvantages) (1 page)
- Conclusions and Future Directions (1/2 page)
- References (1/2 page)

When reading the papers, please note that a technical paper is not read like a novel, i.e., not read from cover to cover sequentially, but is read in a manner that you can quickly grasp the key ideas, benefits/disadvantages. In particular, to write a survey, this is enough. At implementation time, technical papers could be read to the very extreme detail...

Project Administration

The deadline for the report which is the sole output of this project is specified at the start of this document. Late submissions will get a penalty of 10% per day, similar to the previous assignments and projects. The report must be submitted as a PDF file on LMS via a link which will be available before the deadline. Handwritten reports are not accepted. Please include a proper title for the survey and your name, student id and login username as well.

The report should be in A4 size paper in 12-point Times New Romanfor the main text with 1.5 line spacing with 1-inch margins. It should be single column. The main part of the reportie, except references and appendicesshould not exceed 5 pages.Also in these 5 pages putting many figures one after the other is not an acceptable report and text that describes methods is important to understand the algorithms as well.A few figures that give an example for a key approach or twoarerecommended. Table(s) for comparing methods is highly recommended.

All explanations should be your own words and proper citations should be used when needed.The project is an individual project. Students should work independently of each other on this project. Not sharing information about papersyou foundis also important as finding papers is a part of this experience too.

The marking criteria for this project is as follows:
- Format and structure of the report (2 points)
- Coverage of the survey regarding papers read/found(4 points)
- Description of the individual papers in report (4 points)
- Categorization and comparison of papers/approaches (3 points)
- Future Directions and concluding discussions (2 points)

Attachment:- Internet Technologies.rar

Reference no: EM132538228

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Project internet technologies : Project - Internet Technologies - creating a short survey on a contemporary topic in networking - outcome of this project is a short report
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6/8/2020 12:29:33 AM

As expected from any survey, students are expected to not only list top papers in an area one after the other, but also categorize these developments/approaches and compare/critique them. This is at the core of a survey. A list of papers with comments attached is called an "annotated biblio" and is not a survey and is not the purpose of this project. Please read all the description from the project! As some requirements might be tricky! A few figures that give an example for a key approach or two are recommended. Table(s) for comparing methods is required.

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