Project - Forecasting or Spreadsheet Modeling

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131844815

Mini-Project -

To give you practical experience in implementing the quantitative methods taught in this course and to help you see how you can successfully improve business processes using Statistical Thinking, the principle assignments of the class are mini-projects of your own choosing.  I wanted it to be this way so that the course would be meaningful to you since you are going to try to improve something that is important to you and not simply work on a case study or word problem assigned by me.  This is authentic assessment.

There are four such mini-projects:

1. Mini-Project 1: Descriptive Statistics and Data Visualization.

2. Mini-Project 2: Forecasting or Spreadsheet Modeling

3. Mini-Project 3: Modeling and Design of Experiments.

4. Mini-Project 4: Statistical Inference.

Choosing the right project, the right process to study, is half the battle!  Each of the four projects you choose should have these three qualities:

1. Involve a process about which you know something so that you can apply subject matter knowledge. The importance of this cannot be overstated.

2. Allow collection of sufficient relevant data.

3. Provide an opportunity for intervention and improvement.

Recall that the objectives of the course are for students to be able to:

1. Design data collection plans

2. Collect and organize data using Microsoft Excel

3. Analyze that data using Microsoft Excel

4. Arrive at "right answers"

5. Convert "right answers" into business decisions

6. Present their findings persuasively using appropriate data visualization tools and language

In your second project, you will obtain data from some process in your life that can be forecast using the tools of time-series analysis. You will then use the various forecasting methods available to you to "predict the future". You will choose the method that yields the lowest mean absolute deviation (MAD) or mean squared error (MSE) and describe your thought processes as you do so.

Have the little PowerPoint explanation separately.

Reference no: EM131844815

Questions Cloud

Homeless people to engage in society : Could you please come up with some effective ways to help homeless people to engage in society?
What are the principles in tension : Analyze a current ethical issue in the nonprofit sector using the analytical framework for ethics discussed in class and Independent Sector principles.
Characteristics of cultures can help us better adapt : Knowing characteristics of cultures can help us better adapt, understand, and prevent problems when communicating with other people of different cultural
Foundation of successful relationships : How is good communication the foundation of successful relationships, both personal and professional?
Project - Forecasting or Spreadsheet Modeling : Project - Forecasting or Spreadsheet Modeling. Recall that the objectives of the course are for students to be able to: Design data collection plans
Calculate the proportion of people in centervale : Calculate the proportion of people in Centervale who are exposed to well water (i.e., water from the aquifer) and Metropolis water. Show your work.
Discuss configuration steps needed to install and configure : Discuss the configuration steps needed to install and configure a highly available DNS and DHCP landscape.
Effectively communicating or receiving a message : Next, share an experience in which your perception of self or others interfered with effectively communicating or receiving a message.
How locks could be used in order to qualify data transaction : Describe how locks could be used in order to qualify data transactions and enhance concurrency control. Suggest two business scenarios that would benefit.


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