Reference no: EM132656612
PROJECT - Cyber Security Issues in Technology
Use 10-point font for Abstract and Keywords. The text in general should be set to 11-point font size, single line spacing and justified.
I. Cover page (Students Names, ID, Date, Paper name, Projectname): Use the attached template called "CTIS-Group-Assignment-Coversheet 2020"
II. Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work: Use the given template in section 9: PEER EVALUATION FORM FOR GROUP WORK
III. Title page (one singlepage)
IV. Abstract (<=250words)
i. An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. The purpose of the abstract is to provide the reader with a brief overview of the paper. When in doubt about a rule, check the sixth edition APA manual rather than relying on this template. (I prefer only one space after a period, but two spaces are suggested by the sixth-edition APA manual at the top of page88.)
ii. Keywords: writing, template, sixth, edition, APA format,self- discipline, is, very,good
V. Acknowledgement (no wordlimit)
a. Project groupName
b. Team members' names andIDs
c. Contributions of groupmember
i. In understanding the project. Eg. Student A did XX, Student B did XX, Student C didXX.
ii. In preparing the project. Eg. Student A did XX, Student Bdid XX, Student C didXX.
d. Indicate whether or not you all feel that you have undertakenan approximately equivalent amount of work.
i. If you feel that some students in your group have done significantly more or significantly less work than other students, then you should provide details. You should discuss this information before submitting it, and should all sign this document to indicate agreement. If any of you do not agree with this summary, then you should state your objections.
ii. In the unlikely event that a group member has done nothing or has not been in contact with the group, then this group member should be clearly identified. You should also bring along (in paper form) details of how the group has tried to contact the non-performing/non-appearing student. This information will help in making sure that you are fairly graded.
VI. Table ofcontents
a. Table of contents of reportsections
b. Table of contents ofgraphs
c. Table of contents oftables
VII. Introduction (Use present and pasttense.)
a. Purpose
State the purpose of the report. E.g. The purpose of the report is to investigate the reasons behind XXXXXX. The report will also recommend preventive measures for XXXXXX. This report looks into the factors influencing XXXXX and suggests ways to promote positive impact of XXXX on XXXX.
b. Background
Provide information on the problem or situation that gave rise to the investigation. It may refer to secondary data, e.g. government report, news report, published scientific articles, etc.
E.g. A recent study on XXXX (AA, 201X) shows that nearly XX% of XXX happened in XX. The rise in XXXX among XXXX is a growing concern and the Ministry of Environment (MOE) would like to find out the reasons behind this trend. This report was commissioned by XX, on XX XX 201X.
c. Scope
State the areas of investigation.
E.g. Reasons, consequences, etc. i.e. what information you need in order to meet your purpose.
VIII. Research progress/ method ofinvestigation
States how investigation was carried out. E.g. Internet search. This is called
primary data (i.e. data that is analyzed by you, the writer of the report). May
include references to secondary data.E.g. Questionnaires were issued to ...
IX. Results/findings
Present key results without interpretations, in an orderly and logical sequence using both text and illustrative materials (Tables and Figures). The results section always begins with text, reporting the key results and referring to your figures and tables as you proceed. Summaries of the statistical analyses may appear either in the text (usually parenthetically) or in the relevant Tables or Figures (in the legend or as footnotes to the Table or Figure). The Results section should be organized around Tables and/or Figures that should be sequenced to present your key findings in a logical order. The text of the Results section should be crafted to follow this sequence and highlight the evidence needed to answer the question/problem you investigated. Important negative results should be reported, too. Authors usually write the text of the results section based upon the sequence of Tables and Figures.
X. Discussion
The function of the Discussion is to interpret your results in light of what was already known about the subject of the investigation, and to explain our new understanding of the problem after taking your results into consideration. The Discussion will always connect to the Introduction by way of the question(s) or hypotheses you posed and the literature you cited, but it does not simply repeat or rearrange the Introduction. Instead, it tells how your study has moved us forward from the place you left us at the end of the Introduction.
Fundamental questions to answer here include:
Do your results provide answers to your testable hypotheses?
If so, how do you interpret your findings?
Do your findings agree with what others have shown? If not, do they suggest an alternative explanation or perhaps an unforeseen design flaw in your experiment (or theirs?)
Given your conclusions, what is our new understanding of the problem you investigated and outlined in the Introduction?
If warranted, what would be the next step in your study, e.g., what experiments would you do next?
XI. Conclusion
The purpose of a conclusion is to tie together, or integrate the various issues, research, etc., covered in the body of the paper, and to make comments upon the meaning of all of it. This includes noting any implications resulting from your discussion of the topic, as well as recommendations, forecasting future trends, and the need for further research.
XII. References
All references should be of peer-reviewed journal and conferences. They must be clickable in the document. Each report should include at least 10 peer-reviewed references.
XIII. Appendix:
Need to record all team meetings in the order of time which is Meeting Minutes.
Prepare an individual presentation based on the project report.
Present to the class of the work that you have carried out. Presentations will be a 15 minute maximum and will include Q/A session afterwards. Each member of the group must attend and contribute to the speaking portion of the presentation.
Report Component
An appropriate title of the report
Cover page (Students Names, ID, Date, Paper name)
Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work (Appendix A)
Descriptive title
Cover page (Students Names, ID, Date, Paper name)
Peer Evaluation Form
Title Page
Table of Contents
The abstract should be one paragraph and it should cover the whole theme of the report.
The introduction part should introduce the topic and its importance. It should also include at least one diagram related to the topic. One page is sufficient for this section.
Background/motivation (optional)
Background is important to understand the topic in depth while motivation presents the importance of the topic statement of objectives and/or hypothesis. One page is sufficient for this section.
Related work/literature review
Related work should comprise the review of current state of knowledge on the topic. It should demonstrate the relevance to the topic. Page length is 2 to 3.
This is an important section in which the students will criticise the existing work and will present his/her own opinion about how to improve it further? Also, students could summaries their result and what is new in their finding.
In this section student will draw the conclusion on the given topic. In other words it is a brief summary about the topic.
Future issues
This section should discuss at least two future issues on the topic.
All references should be of peer-reviewed journal and conferences. They must be clickable in the document. Each report should include at least 10 peer-reviewed references.
Attachment:- Cyber Security Issues in Technology.rar