Reference no: EM133055738
Project: Johny English, the founder and chief executive of Best Construction WA Limited, Perth, received a phone call one afternoon from a local resident, Ms Kate Sumner, requesting a quote to design and build a large storage shed on her property. Ms Kate told him that she required a large shed, big enough to store her garden tools and utility vehicle and spaces for a workbench and fertilisers. She also specified that the shed must have power, water and a toilet. Ms Kate wanted work to commence in 8 weeks and would like the job completed no more than 4 weeks after that so she would have a place to store her vehicles before the winter rains came. Ms Kate asked Johny English to come up with a design and quote to build her shed in one week's time. She told Johny that she was obtaining three quotes from three different builders and that she would select her preferred builder based on four criteria. These were quality, the ability to start and finish on time, and cost. Ms Kate said she would like to spend no more than A$80,000 on the shed. Johny knew he would have to come up with a winning design, so he would need to put his designer, Madeleine, on the job of coming up with some innovative designs. Johny would also have to source higher-quality building materials to give him the edge in meeting Ms Kate's stringent evaluation criteria over his competitors. Johny also knew that he would need to plan the human resources necessary to complete the job in the time frame required. He knew it would not be too much of a problem getting some of his construction workers to start in 8 weeks' time but he was not sure about the availability of his subcontractors-Ben the electrician, Greg the plumber, Douglas the glazier and Steve his fencing contractor-because they were all very busy. After signing the contract Johny would need to submit a development application and construction certificate to the local council and await their approval. Ms Kate's final selections for colour and style of shed materials would need to be finalised. Once all that had been accomplished Johny and his team of four would have to prepare the site for construction. This would involve performing underground cable service checks and, perhaps, contracting a surveyor to locate existing boundaries as the shed was going to be built close to the boundary with another resident's property. The site would need to be cleared, temporary site facilities (such as a toilet, site fencing, power and water) would have to be established, the site set out and the formwork built. Following this, the site would be excavated. While the excavation was taking place Johny would need to remember to book a council inspection for the formwork prior to concreting, as well as booking the concrete truck, a date for theshed to be delivered, a date for the shed installation team to put the shed into place, and dates for his subcontractors to come and install power and water. After pouring the concrete and finish his team would need to strip the formwork. At this time Johny could invoice Ms Kate for a progress payment, as this represented a milestone in the project. Following this the shed could be delivered and installed, Ben the electrician could be called in to connect the mains power, Greg the plumber could connect the water and install the toilet and Douglas the glazier could install the windows. While they were busy doing that Johny and his team could start clearing the site, removing any rubbish and the temporary site amenities. Once all these tasks were accomplished the job would be at practical completion. Johny would then meet with Ms Kate, present her with a final bill and hand over the keys to the shed.
1. Working within your set budget, discuss and identify the resources you will require for the project with your group members. Design and make a resource requirement sheet for each of the following major resources relevant to your project: a) Equipment b) Facilities c) Fees and charges d) Human resources e) Materials f) Services g) Statutory costs.
2. Develop a WBS for this project. Now, make a project budget using either the top-down approach or the bottom-up approach. You must answer the following question: a) What approach did you use? b) How did you identify the project costs? c) What are the direct and indirect costs? d) Are there any possible risks that may occur throughout the project? e) What is your budget tolerance?
3.make a cost management plan for your project. You must answer and complete the following questions: a) What tasks produce costs? b) What materials are required? c) make a timeline for the completion of the project d) Identify one cost control tool you may use to manage the project costs e) Identify who will manage the project costs and identify three organisational polices and or procedures applicable to your role in a project f) Provide details of any mathematical formulae you have used to measure the costs of the project g) Provide details of any contingencies h) Have you identified any key performance indicators you will use? How will these KPI's be measured?
4. In order to monitor the estimated costs against your actual expenditure within the project, design and make a critical path schedule. You must ensure the following are recorded: a) Estimated costs vs. Actual costs b) Possible alternative actions you may take. c) Who would approve the alternative actions you have suggested?
5. Lastly, you must demonstrate your ability to identify all areas of expenditure.make a financial report that is laid out clearly and is easily understandable. The report must review the cost management processes you took. When preparing the report make sure your report includes the following: a) Identify and apply of each of the following: i. Budgeting processes; ii. Budgeting tools; iii. Budgeting techniques. b) Identify and apply of method and tool used for costing and cost analysis. c) make a budget for the project. d) Ways to evaluate the cost management of the project. e) Organisational polices and or procedures applicable to the role in the project.