Reference no: EM13144406
I need a big help correcting my grammar. I had to do a project about Social Responsibility and I had to use the google translate and I think its all mess up.
What is Social Responsibility:
Social Responsibility is when companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a fairer society and a cleaner environment. In other works, is a set of concepts and actions that contribute to making a better world with the participation of all and this includes any attitude we need to take to get what is necessary to a better world. The concept of social responsibility can be understood at two levels: the internal relates to the workers and to all parties affected by the company and that can influence the achievement of results. The external level are the consequences of the actions of an organization on the environment, their business partners and the environment in which they are inserted. There are several factors that led to the concept of social responsibility, in a context of globalization and changes in the industries, new concerns and expectations from citizens, consumers, public authorities and investors regarding organizations . Individuals and institutions as consumers and investors began to condemn the environmental damage caused by economic activities and also to put pressure on companies to comply with environmental requirements and requiring the regulatory, legislative and governmental production of appropriate legal frameworks and monitoring its implementation. History: The first studies dealing with social responsibility began in the U.S. in the 50s, and in Europe in the 60s. The first manifestations appeared em1906 on this topic, but these did not receive support because they were considered socialist slant, and it was only in 1953, in the United States, the topic received attention and gained ground. In the 70's, began to appear professional associations interested in studying the subject, and only thereafter that social responsibility is no longer a curiosity and turned into a new field of study. There is also corporate social responsibility, which is the set of actions that benefit society and the corporations that are taken by companies, taking into consideration the economy, education, environment, health, transportation, housing, and local government activity. Generally, organizations create social programs, which ends up generating mutual benefits between the company and the community, improving the quality of life of employees, and the population itself. Corporate Social Responsibility is closely related to an ethical and transparent management that the organization has with its stakeholders, to minimize their negative impacts on the environment and community. Corporative Social Responsibility Corporate social responsibility is considered an important element for the development of business and to establish positive relationships with the companies so-called stakeholders. Some companies are trying to adopt a new attitudes between the relationship among ethic and companies-society. These issues have influenced, and in many cases imposing, changes in market dynamics and pattern of competition and competitiveness, the example of the concerns related to the environment. One should not think of sustainability as something restricted to the environment as well as social responsibility is not limited to actions or investments in social projects. Likewise, corporate social responsibility means to understand and act in response to this new demand of the society, which is that the value generated by a company is reflected in benefits not only for its shareholders but also has a positive impact for set of those affected by their operations, particularly the environment and community (their own employees and the rest of society), respecting their culture and acting ethically and transparently. Avon Avon have been helping woman all over the world since 1886. The mission is to "do well by doing good", managing its business enterprise to the highest standards while leveraging its unique capacity to mobilize and engage people to be agents of change in their lives, communities and the world. They main Corporate Responsibility is " three pillars" of the company mission and to focus on the company's corporate responsibility: empowerment of women, sustainability and philanthropy. They also covered the key areas imbedded in the business enterprise that will form a great corporate citizen: governance, ethics, stakeholder engagement, public policy efforts, workplace safety and commitment to diversity. Natura About the company - Natura is a cosmetics company that was established in Brazil in 1969. The company is present in seven Latin American countries and France. They seek to create value for society as a whole, generating results integrated in the economic, social and environmental. Also they believe that sustainable results are those achieved through quality relationships and therefore seek to maintain open channels of dialogue with all stakeholders with whom we have contact in an ongoing exercise in transparency. Natura has as mission contribute in an innovative way and exemplary for the improvement of society, leading to changes in attitudes and values ??that materialize the ideal of society. Natura works with a lot of cause in the environment. One of the most important thing that Natura have been working is the development of social projects in the community, seeking to contribute innovative and exemplary for the improvement of society. They main commitment is to work together, respecting the knowledge of the community and putting their skills at the service of an ideal: a better and fairer world.
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