Progression of an infection to bacteraemia

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131514184 , Length: wordcount:1500

Topic - Progression of an infection to bacteraemia in immuno-suppressed mice.

People who are extensively burned are at increased risk of developing serious infections at the burn sites and this can progress to the presence of bacteria in the blood (bacteraemia) which can be life-threatening. The immune systems of severely burned patients do not work properly leaving them vulnerable to infection by micro-organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This type of bacteria can be difficult to treat as it is resistant to antibiotics and easily colonises and penetrates the skin or other body tissues of burns victims. As part of an investigation to determine how P. aeruginosa progresses from a local skin infection to bacteraemia in immuno-suppressed patients, an experiment was carried out on mice.

Data Collection

Ten mice were divided randomly into two groups of five mice. The control group of mice had normal immune function, and the test group of mice were given 200mg/kg cyclophosphamide (CY) on Day 0 of the experiment to suppress their immune systems. Increased white blood cell (leukocyte) production is part of an immune system response to infection. CY indirectly reduces the production of leukocytes. Both groups of mice were infected with the bacteria on Day 0 by injection into the upper skin layer. The mice were weighed each day for nine days, as body weight may be a good indicator of an animal's wellbeing. Also a blood sample was taken from each mouse each day for six days after being infected.

Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this tutorial students will be able to:
• Generate the standard section titles of a scientific report.
• Write a scientific report using the correct conventions.
• Format a scientific report using Microsoft Word.
This tutorial will help you achieve the following unit learning outcomes:
• Effectively explain scientific data, information, and arguments to both scientific peer groups and the broader community in written formats

Lecture Review

Please write a 100-200 word summary of Session 5's lecture on Researching.


a) Review the Balance Activity from Tutorial Session 1. Write a paragraph summarising the data collection for this activity.

b) Review the Balance Data analysis from Tutorial Session 4. Write a paragraph outlining what hypotheses were investigated and how the data was analysed.

Tutorial Activity: Report Writing

During this weeks' tutorial you will be writing a scientific report based on the findings of your in-class experiment. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to fine-tune your Microsoft Word, Microsoft EXCEL and your report writing skills before your assignment is due. Consider this to be your test run.
Please note that this exercise is more about your report structure than the content, i.e. we are not expecting you to become experts in balancing. Moreover, as you only have two hours to complete this task, we are not expecting you to write a 1000 word essay. Instead, we expect you to write a concise report which incorporates all the required elements in each section. Moreover, your report should follow the format outlined below.
This is a self-paced exercise. To assist you in this task, we have provided you with:
• Guide on common Microsoft Word formatting (on LMS under Resources for Students)
• Report Writing Template
• Formatting Instructions
• Scientific information on balance
After you have completed your report, please show it to your tutor for comment. Should you complete this task before the end of the tutorial, you may either leave or you may start on your assignment. The latter option is highly recommended

Step 1. Using the Report Template and Formatting Instructions below, lay out the structure of your report
Step 2. Using the provided scientific information on balance and your balance results from Session 1 and the analysis you performed in Session 4 complete a brief scientific report. Use Vancouver referencing.

Balance Information
"Maintenance of [balance]... requires the involvement of several different process: (a) sensory information to detect the person's orientation and motion, (b) selection of an appropriate response strategy to maintain balance, and (c) activation of the muscles that can overcome any postural imbalance. The sensory information can be derived from visual, somatosensory and vestibular sources. Not all this information is necessary, and an individual can choose from among these sensory signals."
Enoka, R. M. (2008). Neuromechanics of human movement.Champaign, USA: Human Kinetics. Page 401
"Tests of visual, vestibular, sensori-motor and balance function were administered to 550 women, aged between 20 and 99 years at a Balance and Gait Laboratory. All of the sensory, motor and balance system measures showed significant age-associated differences. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the measures of lower limb sensation were the consistent sensori-motor factors contributing to balance under normal conditions (standing on a firm surface with eyes open or closed). Under more challenging conditions (standing on foam with eyes open) vision, strength and reaction time played significant roles, whilst when standing on foam with eyes closed, vestibular function also made a significant contribution. Analysis of percentage increases in sway under conditions where visual and peripheral sensation systems were removed or diminished, compared with sway under optimal conditions, indicated that up until age 65 there was an increased reliance on vision for balance control. Beyond this age, the contribution made by vision declined, so that in the oldest age-groups reduced vision was less able to supplement peripheral input, resulting in increased sway areas. Peripheral sensation however was the most important sensory system in the maintenance of static postural stability at all ages."

Abstract from:Lord, S. R. & Ward, J.A. (1994). Age associated differences in sensori-motor function and balance in community dwelling women. Age and Aging, 23, 452-460.
Extra Information:
Eyes Shut - removes visual input
Head Back - confuses vestibular input


You should be aware that this is a generic report template and that the reports required for some disciplines may be in a different format. You should always read the unit guide or instructions to authors prior to commencing your writing.

Title: Write a short, descriptive title. "Title" is not used as a heading.

Abstract- Write a summary of your report here. It should include the aims of your study, the methods, main results, main conclusions. Write this section last.

Introduction - In this section you need to include: a broad introduction to the topic, a more specific description of the issue, a literature review outlining what is known about this issue to date, a gap in the knowledge followed by the aim of your study. This section requires several references.

Methods - Include ALL of your methods in this section. It may be necessary to use subheadings to organise all of the information in a meaningful way. Common subheadings are "Data Collection" and "Data Analysis"

Results - This is the section where you describe and present all of your results. Remember to only include results and not raw data. Results can only be shown once, i.e. do not show the same data in a table and then again in a graph.

Discussion - This is the fun part of the report. Here you discuss the possible reasons for and meanings of your results. In the first paragraph start by restating the purpose of your study, followed by the main result. Do your results support the hypothesis or not? Was this expected? In the subsequent paragraphs you need to explain EACH one of your results. For example, if you found X, have other people found the same/different results? What are the possible reasons for your results? Support your reasons with evidence from the literature. What were the limitations of your study? What are the implications of your findings for the wider community and future research?

Note: this section has lots of references!

Conclusion In this section you should include a brief one paragraph summary of the main findings of your results.

Acknowledgements Anyone who helped you in any way with your project needs to be acknowledged for their contribution. This is the section to do this.
References List all the references cited in the text here. References need to be in the required format.

Attachment:- SAMPLE.rar

Reference no: EM131514184

Questions Cloud

How would the main character go about solving the crime : How would the main character go about solving the crime and identifying the perpetrator using the tools you've learned about?
Identify what tool could be used and give an example : In the cells identify what tool could be used and give an example from the labs, videos, or readings of how to use the tool.
What edition of windows will be used for each server : What edition of Windows will be used for each server (e.g., Standard, Datacenter)? Will Server Core be used on any servers? Where are each of servers located?
Requirements and scope document for development : In this assignment, you will create a Requirements and Scope document for this development. Complete the following:
Progression of an infection to bacteraemia : Progression of an infection to bacteraemia in immuno-suppressed mice - Write a scientific report using the correct conventions
Create presentations using cascading style sheets and dhtml : Create presentations using Cascading Style Sheets and DHTML. Summarize Web standards in terms of specifications, guidelines, software, and tools.
How you intend to use technology to complete the project : A written outline of how you intend to use technology and why you chose that particular technology to complete the project
Disaster recovery-forensics-security : How much testing of your Disaster Recovery Plan is necessary? How often should it be done? How deep should the test be? Why?
Identify the data types and sizes for all attributes : Select database management system (Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL, etc) and identify the data types and sizes for all attributes.



6/1/2017 2:25:25 PM

1. Your methods: • Outline how the experiment was carried out in full sentence format (NOT a numbered list of instructions). • It includes the experimental design, equipment, how the data was collected and the types of controls. • It discusses why this method was appropriate for the study (you can cite a paper that has used this method), • It is short, concise and written in the past tense. • Most importantly it is written in the context of your hypothesis • Ends with a short statement describing how the data was analysed • You have deleted the intended data analysis section from Report Part A 1. Your results: • Outline what question is being tested in each of the experiments. • Appropriately described (NOT discussed) calling attention to the important data that you will discuss in your discussion and use to support your conclusions. • Your figure is presented below the text that describes it • Your figuretable has a self-explanatory title that is located below (not within) your figure and above your table.


6/1/2017 2:24:53 PM

Please find below a checklist for your report part B assignment. Kind regards, Anna Report Part B Checklist Please refer to this checklist before you submit your report to ensure you have covered everything. 1. Your report has a meaningful title (avoid using the topic sheet title). 1. Your report includes the following headings: • Introduction • Methods • Results • Discussion • Conclusion • References 1. Your introduction has: • At least 3 paragraphs that provide sufficient background to the topic; it should start broad then narrow down to the specific (inverted triangle) • It highlights what is currently known and identifies gaps in the knowledge. • The final paragraph justifies the importance of the study and includes your hypothesis/research question/aim.


6/1/2017 2:23:26 PM

Subject- Biology i have already done part A and you need to do part B only. i sent you assignment,guidelines,assignment part A, data. part B also need to do introduction,method,results,discussion and conclusion. also make graph with given data. total word limlits is 1500 4 or 5 references required Word Count- 1500 Quality Words

Write a Review

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