Programming fundamentals paper

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Reference no: EM13781205

Identify a common task that might occur a regular basis. The task should be one that would occur in a business setting (as opposed to one in someone's personal life).

Write out in an APA formatted document the steps involved with performing that task in a way that you could hand them to someone else who could carry them out for you. This should involve 10 to 20 steps overall.
Your final steps should be in a Microsoft® Word APA formatted document in an easy-to-read format.

Explain if it is possible to implement and solve this problem programmatically. Think on the fact that computers can only do three things, Input Data, Process the Data and provide desired and needed Outputs. Computers can not do human tasks or interact on their own with other systems that are not designed to be interfaced programmatically.

Reference no: EM13781205

Questions Cloud

How do the different audiences affect your tone : As the operations manager, you will have to respond to Mr. Stewart. You will also have to post something to the company website. How do the different audiences mentioned above affect your tone
Smuggling teenage girls and boys out of the u.s : Pre-search Activities A confidential informant has provided your department with detailed information related to a human trafficking operation. The informant has identified and confirmed that the operation is involved in smuggling teenage girls and b..
Object modelling : Sequence Diagram
Problem related to the tort law : Examine the Federal Tort Claims Acts (FTCA). Discuss whether these laws reduce the risk to citizens or does it serve a compelling state interest. Analyze Dolan v. United States Postal Service.
Programming fundamentals paper : Explain if it is possible to implement and solve this problem programmatically.
Paper explaining the mentoring progam : 4-5 APA Format paper explaining the mentoring progam you would implement in your organization. What would be the purpose of such a program? What would you hope to accomplish?
Discuss what this suggests about the united states : Discuss what this suggests about the United States' absolute and comparative advantage when it comes to this good/service.
Write one full page about the video clips of dolores del rio : Write one FULL page about the video clips of Dolores del Rio, Anthony Quinn, Edward James Olmos and Cantinflas? How do you feel they contribute to the stereotypes of Mexicans in film or do you feel otherwise?
Science and religion philisophy : In the materials we have reviewed for the two court cases, we have seen the statement "Evolution is both a fact and a theory". Explain what the statement means, and provide an example illustrating the facticity of evolution.


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