Programming and logic tennis player array assignment

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596627

Programming and Logic

Tennis Player Array Assignment

Create a program called

In the main method

- Ask the user for the name of a tennis player

- Ask the user for the number of years the tennis player has played competitive tennis. Use this value as the size of an int array.

- Ask the user for the year the tennis player began playing competitive tennis

- In a for loop, ask the user to enter the number of wins starting from the first year of play and store the value in the array. The element at index 0 will store the number of wins for the player's first year.

- Call the method printWins with the player's name, the first year of play and the array

In the printWins method

- There should be three parameters: a String for the player's name,int for the first year of play, and an int array

- Display the player's name

- Display the year and the number of wins for each year.

Reference no: EM131596627

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