Program using loop that displays projected semester tuition

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132241687

In 2019, the tuition for a full time student is $7,180 per semester. The tuition will be going up for the next 7 years at a rate of 3.5% per year.

Write your program using a loop that displays the projected semester tuition for the next 7 years. You may NOT hard code each years tuition into your program.

Your program should calculate the tuition for each year given the starting tuition in 2019 ($7, 180) and the rate of increase (3.5%). You should then display the actual year (2020, 2021, through 2026) and the tuition amount per semester for that year.

REMEMBER to write your name through comments in the program, and use comments to explain what your program is doing.

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The solution file is implemented in the C programming language to calculate tuition fees for the next 7 years with the rate of interest. Display each year tuition fees details using for loop and finally print the total tuition fees details for next 7 year. The solution program is formatted properly and commented on each and every line. Here I have attached a screenshot of output and solution for ur reference.

Reference no: EM132241687

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