Program to retrieve records based on last name-first name

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1370162

Recently, customer service representatives at your company have been complaining that retrieving a customer record takes too long. The database was developed in house, and the amount of data has grown tremendously over the years. However, management does not want to use a commercial database because they believe the software and maintenance costs are too high. The old database used customer ID as an index field. Customer ID is an incremental number the system gives to each record when it initially creates the record. Also, the old database did not enforce data integrity, so data may not be consistent across all records.

Customer service representatives want to be able to retrieve records based on Last Name + First Name, Product Number, or State fields.

(A) What steps are involved in your analysis of this problem?

(B) Write code (Java) to process the 3 possible searches. You have been given a data sample to use for testing.

Reference no: EM1370162

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