Program to help gymnasium help desk associate

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1361694

Write a program that helps a gymnasium help desk associate to answer questions about membership cost. The rates are as follows:

Adult rate is $40.00 per month
Child rate is $20.00 per month
Senior citizen rate is $30.00 per month

You are to write a program that has a loop inside another loop. The outer loop will repeat when the user responds with a 'yes' when asked if there are more member queries. Inside a loop, the program should first ask how many people are to be included on a single membership subscription.

When the user responds with a positive integer, your program should first initialize a monthly subscription to 0.00 and then enter a counting loop that loops from 1 to number-of-members. Inside the inner loop, your program should:

first diplay a menu of the three rates numbered 1, 2, and 3
diplay a prompt saying "what is the rate for member #" loop-count (here loop count is a variable)
Read an integer from the keyboard into the choice variable
Validate that the number is between 1 and 3
When the choice is correct, add the monthly rate corresponding to the choice to the monthly subscritpion

After existing the inner loop, the program should display a message that has the cost of monthly subscription. The program should then ask again if there is another member query and read a response.

Reference no: EM1361694

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