Program to display information about balance in account

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1368891

The purpose of this web application is to provide the head of the household with a report on the status of the family checking account. The application will simulate the process of looking up the account balance from the database, then it will place that balance in a predefined location within the web page.

* Create an ordinary text file named solution06.txt. In that file, enter the text required to create a web page which will display information about the balance contained in a family's account.
* NOTE: This text will eventually be inserted into the XHTML portion of your PHP script, so include HTML tags to format the text in an appropriate way. However, do not include the header tags - treat the text in this document as the body of the page, rather than the entire thing.
* Within the web page, use the special text string [ACCT] to mark the place where the account number will be included in the text. Use the special string [BAL] to mark the place where the balance will be displayed.
* Create an input form named solution06.html which will ask the visitor (the head of the family) to enter an account number (really a string).
* Within the script, assign a value to a variable named $balance. Note that instruction will eventually be replaced with an instruction to read information from a database.
* Within the script, add instructions which will open the text file you have created for the web page and read its contents into a variable named $pageBody.
* Use the str_replace() function to replace the special strings [ACCT] and [BAL] with the appropriate pieces of information.
* Display the resulting web page.

Reference no: EM1368891

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