Program to create a mortgage calculator

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13937042

I created a mortgage calculator for user to input requested amount and menu. Somehow, I think that I have it half right... I think I have lost my way somehow..See Attached files.

The assignment is as follows:

Modify your program so that the user will input the amount of a mortgage after selecting from a menu of mortgage loans:

- 7 years at 5.35%

- 15 years at 5.5%

- 30 years at 5.75%.

Use an array of structures for the information about the different loans.

Your program should begin by prompting the user with a menu to select a mortgage type or to exit. Once a specific loan is selected, display the mortgage payment amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term of the loan. On longer term loans, the list will scroll off the screen. Do not allow the list to scroll off the screen, but rather display a partial list and then allow the user to continue the list. Return to the menu prompt after presenting the information. Insert comments in the program to document the program.

Your program should also follow all my formatting guidelines. The final program must be completely viewable and executable when I run the code from the Microsoft Visual C++ development system. Error checking should be limited to validating that all amounts entered are positive. The user should be told what the invalid entry was and why it was invalid if they enter a zero or negative amount. They should then be prompted again to reenter a valid amount.

The program should use at least three distinct classes including an abstract base class with at least one virtual method. A concrete class must inherit from this base class and implement any abstract methods in the base class. Each method should have a limited scope and your classes should implement several methods, each of which implements a small part of the task.

Do not lump all the functionality into a single class. While the exact format of your classes and structure is up to you, I expect your code to look good and be easy to read and understand.


Reference no: EM13937042

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