Program to calculate the electricity bill

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1351645

Q1) Write a program to calculate the electricity bill. The rates of electricity per unit are as follows:

1. If the units consumed are equal or less than 100, then the cost is Rs 8/- per unit.

2. If the units consumed are more than 100 and less than and equal to 300, then the cost is Rs 10/- per unit and surcharge of 5% of bill is added.

3. If the units consumed are more than 300 and less than and equal to 500, then the cost is Rs 12/- per unit and surcharge of 15% of bill is added.

4. If the units consumed are more than 500, then the cost is Rs 15/- per unit and surcharge of 25% of bill is added.

Reference no: EM1351645

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