Program to automate a retail shop sales operations

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132161926


The aim of this assignment is to the test student's ability to use control structures, arrays and work with classes and objects to solve specific problems using a programming language.

Learning Outcomes Covered:
1. Use different program control statements in a programming language
2. Demonstrate the use of arrays with a programming language
3. Define and work with classes and objects in a programming language.

Q1. Write a java program to automate a retail shop sales operations as mentioned below: To update the stock details of items

In this, to read an Item name (String), Item code (Integer), Item Quantity (Integer),Unit Price(double) of ‘n' number of items using an array concept to insert the stock details. Then use the same array for displaying the details of existing stock inserted as per output screen given attached (Fig.1) using a loop.

To make purchase, please ensure the following condition has been evaluated :

To purchase ‘n' number of items, the user must Enter an item code and check with existing stock whether the particular item is available or not, if then, the user should provide the Quantity for purchased items then it should display purchase details with ‘Total Amount' and ‘Grant Total' using any loop and array ,otherwise display "Your item is not available". (attached Fig.2)

Q2. Write a java program to print following pattern using inner loop concept.


1 3

4 6 8

5 7 9 11

10 12 14 16 18

13 15 17 19 21 23

Write java program using class and object concept to read three marks scored in different modules and credit points of each module. Then perform following calculation to find cgpa and display output as per given screenshot (attached Fig. 3).

Calculate cgpa as per following condition and formula

If sum of credit points is greater than 20, CGPA=((mark1*credit1)+(mark2*credit2)+(mark3*credit))/(Total of all credits), Otherwise Cgpa is 0.

2. Guidelines

a.) Type 1: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at different times) of one assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted.

b.) Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in a group assessment, all students of the group will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all students.

c.) Type 3: Combination of Type 1 and Type 2: In case plagiarism is detected in any component or part submission (submitted at different times) of a group assessment (assignment), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment), even if only the component or part submission alone needs to be resubmitted. All students of the group would be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all the students of the group.

d.) Type 4: Variation of Type 1 and Type 2: In cases where the assessment consists of components or part submissions that could be a group assessment component (e.g. group assignment) and an individual assessment component (e.g. individual reflection), the following will be applicable:

1. If plagiarism is detected in the group assessment component, all students of the group will be considered as having committed an act of plagiarism, irrespective of whether plagiarism is on account of the act of all or a few or only one member. The policy will then be applied to all students of the group. In such cases the group assessment component will be resubmitted as per the policy.

2. If plagiarism is detected in the individual assessment component, the individual assessment component will be resubmitted as per the policy. The policy will then be applied to that student alone.

3. In both cases (a) and/or (b), the deduction in marks will be applicable for the whole assessment (assignment).

D. Amount of similar material
a.) The total amount of similar material in any form of student work from all sources put together should not exceed 30% (including direct quotations).
b.) The total amount of quoted material (direct quotations) in any form of student work from all sources put together should not exceed 10%.
c.) The total amount of similar material in any form of student work from a single source should not exceed 7 percent. However, cases having a similarity of less than 7 percent in such cases may still be investigated by the faculty depending on the seriousness of the case.
d.) If faculty member find enough merit in the case of a student work with a similarity (with a single source) of more than 7 percent as not a case of plagiarism, the faculty member should provide detailed comments/remarks to justify the case.

Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy

To protect and respect the rights, dignity, health, safety, and privacy of research subjects involved including the welfare of animals and the integrity of environment, all student projects are expected to be undertaken as per the MEC Research Ethics and Biosafety Policy. Accordingly the following shall apply.

- Research and other enterprise activities shall be conducted by maintaining the high ethical standards consistent with national and international standards and conventions.

- Any research at MEC that is categorized as high-risk research shall be subject to review and approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety Committee.

- Research activities involving collection of human or animal tissues and manipulation of microbial, animal or plant cells shall be subject to review and approval by the Research Ethics and Biosafety Committee.

- Participants involved in research must be informed about the purpose of research and intended uses of research findings. Written consent must be obtained from people involved prior to the commencement of research.
- Data obtained from participants must be treated with high confidence and should be used only for the intended purpose of research.

- Research supervisors must take necessary steps to ensure research integrity and quality of their students' research.

Attachment:- ITP Assignment.rar

Verified Expert

This assignment if of java programming which have 3 different tasks which demonstrate the concept of loops ( for loop, while, do-while loops), arrays and classes and objects. The first task is for automation of retail shop operations in which arrays are used. The second task uses the concept of nested for loops to print the pattern of even and odd numbers . The third task illustrate the use of user defined class and object to calculate the cgpa of student where the marks and credit points for 3 different modules/subjects are inputted and computer computes the cgpa as per the given conditions and formula.

Reference no: EM132161926

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11/9/2018 2:34:20 AM

plz check the attached instruction and information to follow our college concept for writing assignment its very necessary.and if u need any our module electronic books i will Emil you .


11/9/2018 2:32:15 AM

Using class and Object 0-5 No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes No evidence of knowledge of key principles, classes and objects Insufficient/no use of analytical skills and reflective practice. Weak presentation and structure, grammar and spelling, links to supporting evidence Little evidence of attempts to engage with module materials and learning outcomes Little knowledge of key principles and concepts 6-10 Adequate knowledge of key principles and concepts Some evidence of understanding of basic concepts/issues. Detailed response to all relevant parts of the question with evidence of clear understanding of the issues. 11-17 Good knowledge or key principles and concepts, Good understanding of the issues. Engages directly with the question. Identification and very good understanding of issues in the assessment. Evidence of reading a good range of educational literature


11/9/2018 2:32:09 AM

24-30 No evidence of application of theory in practice Content broadly relevant but with limited or little application of theory into practice Adequate evidence of the application of theory in practice of theory Good knowledge of the application of theory in practice Well-structured with evidence of independent application of reading into practice with supporting the argument. Outstanding use of analytical skills and reflective practice demonstrating personal learning. Outstanding knowledge and depth of understanding of principles and concepts and /or outstanding application of theory in practice Evidence of reading into practice through outstanding range of educational literature. Excellent presentation, logically structured, using correct grammar and spelling.


11/9/2018 2:32:04 AM

11-17 Good knowledge or key principles and concepts, Good understanding of the issues. Engages directly with the question. Identification and very good understanding of issues in the assessment. Evidence of reading a good range of educational literature Reasonable presentation, completely structured, acceptable grammar and spelling. Generally sound understanding of basic theory and concepts. Content relevant to the question/task. Competently deals with main issues. Detailed identification of the issues with evidence of clear understanding of the issues. 18-23 Excellent use of analytical skills and reflective practice demonstrating personal learning. Excellent knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts. Evidence of reading an excellent range of educational literature. Appropriate referencing and bibliography Good presentation, competently structured, using correct grammar and spelling.


11/9/2018 2:31:57 AM

0-5 No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes No evidence of knowledge of key principles, classes and objects Insufficient/no use of analytical skills and reflective practice. Weak presentation and structure, grammar and spelling, links to supporting evidence Little evidence of attempts to engage with module materials and learning outcomes Little knowledge of key principles and concepts 6-10 Adequate knowledge of key principles and concepts Some evidence of understanding of basic concepts/issues. Detailed response to all relevant parts of the question with evidence of clear understanding of the issues.


11/9/2018 2:31:49 AM

19-21 No evidence of application of theory in practice Content broadly relevant but with limited or little application of theory into practice 22-25 Adequate evidence of the application of theory in practice of theory Good knowledge of the application of theory in practice Well-structured with evidence of independent application of reading into practice with supporting the argument. Outstanding use of analytical skills and reflective practice demonstrating personal learning. 26-35 Each correct test cases one mark


11/9/2018 2:31:44 AM

11-15 Good knowledge or key principles and concepts, Good understanding of the issues. Engages directly with the question. Identification and very good understanding of issues in the assessment. Evidence of reading a good range of educational literature Reasonable presentation, completely structured, acceptable grammar and spelling. Generally sound understanding of basic theory and concepts. Content relevant to the question/task. Competently deals with main issues. Detailed identification of the issues with evidence of clear understanding of the issues. 16-18 Excellent use of analytical skills and reflective practice demonstrating personal learning. Excellent knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts. Evidence of reading an excellent range of educational literature. Appropriate referencing and bibliography Good presentation, competently structured, using correct grammar and spelling.


11/9/2018 2:31:36 AM

1.2 Implementati on of loops and Array 0-5 No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes No evidence of knowledge of key principles, classes and objects Insufficient/no use of analytical skills and reflective practice. Weak presentation and structure, grammar and spelling, links to supporting evidence Little evidence of attempts to engage with module materials and learning outcomes Little knowledge of key principles and concepts 6-10 Adequate knowledge of key principles and concepts Some evidence of understanding of basic concepts/issues. Detailed response to all relevant parts of the question with evidence of clear understanding of the issues.


11/9/2018 2:31:29 AM

1.1 Proposal Submission • What you will do with the given tasks and the dates by when they will be completed 2 • General overview of initial understanding of solutions to all the tasks 6 • Identification of Literature Resources 2


11/9/2018 2:30:55 AM

You would be evaluated on the following: • Originality of answer, i.e. writing your own programs • WRITTEN VIVA: Your Assignment marks are based on the WRITTEN VIVA which will be conducted upon submission of assignment during week 14. The WRITTEN VIVA will be based on the tasks given in the assignment. ZERO marks will be awarded to the student if she/he is absent for VIVA. • Proper analysis of given problem, adequate covering of intended learning outcomes and presenting the answers in good, documented form. • Adequate referencing has been done, following CU Harvard style of referencing.


11/9/2018 2:30:42 AM

Submission of Assignment Proposal Evaluation Guidelines: The evaluation will be done on the strength of analysis presented in the proposal. You need to submit a work proposal for this assignment in the form of a completed Word document on Moodle before Wednesday which must include: • What you will do with the given tasks and the dates by when they will be completed • General overview of initial understanding of solutions to all the tasks • Identification of Literature Resources

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