Program to add function for long integer

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13948498

Long interger linked list add function

Posting I am working on program assignment in structures (c language)after entering the required intergers the add function will not compile.I receive error messages I am using a Microsoft c, c++ 6.0 compiler. The help required is to provide a working add function in c. Hopefully after that I will be be able to write similar functions to subtract multiply and divide.

The given problem requires that an add function be provided that should add two given lists n and m.

The source code of the problem is attached

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct node
int data; // char field data
struct node* next; //pointer field next
}NODE,*NODEP,**NODEPP; //defines three common types

// Function prototypes

void addhead(NODEPP listp,int value);

void getinput1( NODEPP );

void getinput2( NODEPP );
void showtext ( char* );
void showlist( char*,NODEP);
void add_list( listp );
void add();
void subtract();
void multiply();
void divide();
void main (void)

char cmd;

showtext(" Enter a to add, s to subtract, m to multiply , d to divide,q when finished");
for (;;)

case 'a': add(); //addition

case 's': subtract(); // subtract
case 'm':multiply(); //multiply
case 'd':divide(); //divide
case 'q':
showtext("nEND OF RUNn");

}// end of main

// Adds new node at the heaad of the list. puts value in the data field

void addhead(NODEPP listp, int value)

NODEP p = (NODEP)malloc( sizeof (NODE));
p->data = value; // Data Field gets value
p->next = *listp; // links p node to old head
*listp = p; // makes p a new head node

void getinput1( NODEPP listp ) //creats a linked list containing numbers
{ // entered by the user.(uses add_to_list)

int n;

printf("Enter a series of integers (! when finished ):");


addhead(listp,n); //Add new node to list


void getinput2( NODEPP listp) //creats a linked list containing numbers
{ // entered by the user.(uses add_to_list)

int m;

printf("Enter a second series of integers (! when finished ):");


addhead(listp,m); //Add new node to list


void showtext ( char* string ) //Displays text



void showlist(char* string, NODEP list) // Prints list to screen

int i =1;
while (list !=NULL)
printf( "%5d",list->data);
if(i++% 10 ==0)showtext("n");
list =list->next;
showtext("n END OF LISTn");


void add(NODEPP listp ) //add function

int tPtr;
showtext( "**INITIAL LIST DATA**n");

getinput1( &n);
showlist("List 1n",n);

getinput2( &m);
showlist("List 2n",m);


t->data= n->data+m->data;

showlist( "The sum of List 1 and List 2 is:n",t);
void subtract(NODEPP listp)



void multiply()


void divide()


Reference no: EM13948498

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