Program that will ask for a month

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161022

Write a program that will ask for a month (1-12) and a year (yyyy). the program should then produce a calendar showing the month name and year and have all of the days displayed under it.

Here are the specifications:

  • The program must be programmed in standard C++

  • The month must be an integer from 1 to 12. If the user enters anything outside of that range, the program must display an error message and ask the user to re-enter the month until the user gets it right.

  • The year be an integer from 1582 to 2038. Anything other than that should produce an error message and ask the user to re-enter the year until the user gets it right.

  • There must be a left margin of 3 spaces and a top margin of one blank line.

  • The numbers in the calendar must be right-justified. Hint: setw.

  • Your calendar must take into account leap years. Leap years affect the month of February. On leap years, February must have 29 days. On non-leap years, February must have 28 days. See my notes on leap years for more information.


    int getInteger( string prompt, int min, int max )

    void displayCalendar( int month, int year )

    This function should call the getDayOfWeek and getLastDay functions to build the calendar. Use getDayOfWeek to get the day of the week for the first day of the month then use getLastDay to get the total number of days in a month.


Reference no: EM13161022

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