Program that uses the attached data file as input

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13937108

Write a program that uses the attached data file as input and does simple data encryption. Replace each letter of the alphabet with the next letter. For example, a will be replace by b and b will be replaced by c. The letter z will be replaced by a. Numbers, spaces, punctuation and special characters stay the same. The sentence: "I am 21 yrs. old!", translates to J bn 21 zst. ome! Print out the input and print out the encrypted sentence.

Please do this the easiest way possible, I am learning C++ by myself but I just don't understand input/output so this will help me understand it better.

The contents of the data file are:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I am still 21 years old!
The quick brown fox
Jumps over the lazy dog


Reference no: EM13937108

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