Program that uses an instance of the timeoff

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13163648

NumDays Class

Design a class called NumDays. The class's purpose is to store a value that represents a number of work hours and convert it to a number of days. For example, 8 hours would be converted to 1 day, 12 hours would be converted to 1.5 days, and 18 hours would be converted to 2.25 days. The class should have a constructor that accepts a number of hours, as well as member functions for storing and retrieving the hours and days. The class should also have the following overloaded operators:

+ Addition operator
When two NumDays objects are added together, the overloaded + operator should return the sum of the two objects' hours members.

- Subtraction operator
When one NumDays object is subtracted from another, the overloaded - operator should return the difference of the two objects' hours members.

++ Prefix and postfix increment operators.
These operators should increment the number of hours stored in the object. When incremented, the number of days should be automatically recalculated.

--Prefix and Postfix decrement operators
These operators should decrement the number of hours stored in the object When decremented, the number of days should be automatically recalculated.

5. Time Off

NOTE: This assignment assumes you have already completed Programming Challenge 4. (Starting out with c++ tony gaddis)

Design a class named TimeOff. The purpose of the class is to track an employee's sick leave, vacation, and unpaid time off. It should have, as members, the following instances of the NumDays class described in Programming Challenge 4:

maxSickDays : A NumDays object that records the maximum number of days of sick leave the employee may take.

sickTaken : A NumDays object that records the number of days of sick leave the employee has already taken.

maxVacation : A NumDays object that records the maximum number of days of paid vacation the employee may take.

vacTaken : A NumDays object that records the number of days of paid vacation the employee has already taken.

maxUnpaid : A NumDays object that records the maximum number of days of unpaid vacation the employee may take.

unpaldTaken:    A NumDays object that records the number of days of unpaid leave the employee has taken.

Additionally, the class should have members for holding the employee's name and identification numbec It should have an appropriate constructor and member func-tions for storing and retrieving data in any of the member objects.

Input Validation: Company policy states that an employee may not accumulate more than 240 hours of paid vacation. The class should not allow the xVacation object to store a value greater than this amount.

6. Personnel Report

NOTE: This assignment assumes you have already completed Programming Challenges 4 and 5.

Write a program that uses an instance of the TimeOff class you designed in Programming Challenge 5. The program should ask the user to enter the number of months an employee has worked for the company. It should then use the TimeOff object to calculate and display the employee's maximum number of sick leave and vacation days. Employees earn 12 hours of vacation leave and 8 hours of sick leave per month.

Reference no: EM13163648

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