Program that prompts the user to input a decimal number

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131104692

1. This is one of my first assignments for my Foundations of App Development course, I could really use some help with at least getting started w/ the assignment. It would be much appreciated:

2. Using the Java Development Kit & jGrasp, develop a program in response to the following prompt: Write a program that prompts the user to input a decimal number and outputs the number rounded to the nearest integer. Remember the rules around proper development style & form, including adding comments. A software developer should always add comments to their code so other developers (or in this case the instructor) understand what the intent of the program is. Submit your compiled Java code for this assignment, compress the .java file into a single .zip file.

Reference no: EM131104692

Questions Cloud

Which would be the better performance measure : Would it be easier to measure performance by the growth rate in reported profits or the growth rate in the stock's intrinsic value? Which would be the better performance measure? Why?
Position of an legal representative : Assuming that you have gone to an interview in Rhampsody Co. Ltd for position of an legal representative and the first question are asked is to discuss modes of winding up of a company. What could be your answers?
How should the disposal of a component of a business : How should the disposal of a component of a business be disclosed in the income statement?
Use the policy improvement algorithm to find : During any period, a potential customer arrives at a certain facility with probability ½ If there are already two people at the facility (including the one being served), the potential customer leaves the facility immediately and never returns.
Program that prompts the user to input a decimal number : Write a program that prompts the user to input a decimal number and outputs the number rounded to the nearest integer
Draw at least two views of rag foundation bolt : Also draw at least two views of Rag foundation bolt. Take D=20mm
What are the three ways that other comprehensive income : What are the three ways that other comprehensive income may be displayed (reported)?
A linear programming model for finding an optimal policy : Each year Ms. Fontanez has the chance to invest in two different no-load mutual funds: the Go-Go Fund or the Go-Slow Mutual Fund. At the end of each year, Ms. Fontanez liquidates her holdings, takes her profits, and then reinvests.
What legal remedy doeslily have : He kept obscene magazines of nude men and always sought the company of handsomeboys.What legal remedy doesLily have?


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