Program that loads the keywords and definitions

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13907635

1) Develop the part of the program that loads the keywords and definitions from the external file

2) Develop the part of the program that displays a randomly chosen keyword and three possible definitions (all taken from the data). The three definitions must include the correct one and two other randomly chosen definitions. The three definitions shown to the user must be different from each other.

3) Develop the part of the program that will allow the user to choose one of the definitions.

a. If they choose the correct definition a ‘success' message is displayed.

b. If they choose an incorrect definition, they are told they are wrong and are shown the correct definition.

4) Develop the program so that tasks 2 and 3 are repeated continuously until the user has correctly matched every keyword with its definition exactly twice.

a. Once the keyword has been correctly matched with its definition twice, it should not be displayed again.

b. The three definitions should be displayed in a random order each time. This is to make sure that the correct definition is not easily identified by its position.

5) Extend the program so that when the user has identified all keywords correctly twice the following information is displayed.

a. The total number of incorrect attempts at matching keywords with their definitions.

b. The total time, displayed in minutes and seconds, it took for the student to complete the quiz.

c. The user should be given the option to either start the quiz again or exit the program.

Reference no: EM13907635

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