Program that creates basic user interface code

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133020


This program creates basic user interface code for that can be re-used in following week's iLab assignments. The assignment will help you get started using programming environment and some practice with coding.

In order to reuse code in the following weeks, you will contain different parts of the program in the following three separate files within Visual Studio-

1.Program.cs will hold key method, which is the starting point for the program execution.

2.ApplicationUtilities.cs will hold the re-usable methods that supply the user information about the application.

3.InputUtilities.cs will hold re-usable methods that will collect the user information.

Using the methods defined in these classes you will construct a program that prompts the user for following-

1.Your name, which will be a string data type

2.Your age, which will be an integer data type

3.The gas mileage for your car, that will be a double data type

Reference no: EM133020

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