Program that computes the amount of money the computer club

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13163444

 Write a program that computes the amount of money the computer club will receive from proceeds of their granola bar sales project. Allow the user to enter the number of cases sold and the sale price per bar. Each case contains 12 bars; each case is purchased at $5.00 per case from a local vendor. The club is required to give the student government association 10% of theirearnings. Display their proceeds formatted with currency. Write appropriate methods for your solution 

Reference no: EM13163444

Questions Cloud

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Program that computes the amount of money the computer club : Write a program that computes the amount of money the computer club will receive from proceeds of their granola bar sales project. Allow the user to enter the number of cases sold and the sale price per bar. Each case contains 12 bars; each case is p..
The body fat percentage : The body fat percentage (BFP) of a person can be estimated by the formula BFP= 1.2xBMI+0.23xAGE -10.8xGEnder-0.54 where BMI is the body mass index, given by BMI = 703 W/H^2, in which W is the weight in pounds and H is the height in inches
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What partial pressure of will be present in the vessel : If a 1.7 reaction vessel initially contains 730 of at 25 , what partial pressure of will be present in the vessel after 200 minutes?


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