Program (starting at address $4000) to find the average

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13168388

Write a program (starting at address $4000) to find the average of four 16-bit

unsigned integers stored at locations $5000, $5002, $5004 and $5006 and store

the 16-bit result at location $5010. Round your result to the nearest integer. (You

can assume that the sum of the four integers is not greater than 64K). Initialize

your four numbers to be 302, 420, 1000 and 1529 (decimal). Enter your program

into the MiniIDE and assemble it. Load your assembled code into the simulator

and check that it operates correctly. In your report, show your code and show a

screen shot of the simulator after your program has completed with the memory

display window set to show addresses starting at $5000



Reference no: EM13168388

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