Reference no: EM131075486
Page 324, problems 46, 48
46. For the PAC1 counter, which pin is used for the input pulse?
48. Program PACA to be an event counter. Use 16-bit mode, and display the binarycount on PORTB and PORTA continuously. Set the initial count to 20,000.
Page 467, review questions 1-4
1.In a DAC, input is __ (digital, analog) and output is __ (digital, analog).
2.In an ADC, input is _ (digital, analog) and output is __ (digital, analog).
3.DAC0808 is a(n) __-bit D-to-A converter.
(a) The output of DAC0808 is in __ (current, voltage).
(b) True or false. The output of DAC0808 is ideal to drive a motor.
Page 469, problems 55-60
55.True or false. DAC0808 is the same as DAC1408.
56.Find the number of discrete voltages provided by the n-bit DAC for the following:
(a) n = 8
(b) n = 10
(c) n = 12
57.For DAC1408, if Iref = 2 mA, show how to get an Iout of 1.99 when all inputs are HIGH.
58.Find the Iout for the following inputs. Assume Iref = 2 mA for DAC0808.
(a) 10011001
(b) 11001100
(c) 11101110
(d) 00100010
(e) 00001001
(f) 10001000
59.To get a smaller step, we need a DAC with _ (more, fewer) digital inputs.
60.To get full-scale output, what should be the inputs for DAC
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